Cynthia the Hoarder of Magical Knowledge

"Well Cynthia I am still young I have eidetic memory and can make your knowledge my power. I won't say I'm a good person but I'm definitely not a horrible person I would put your knowledge to good use mostly for myself or people around me I am going to become the most powerful being wether I like it or not as well. So Cynthia are any of those reasons good enough?" Alex

"Well all of that is impressive but I don't get anything out of it... how about this young child when you are older you come and do me a favor." Cynthia

"What's the favor?" Alex

"You don't need to worry it is nothing that will harm you or anyone around you. So deal?" Cynthia

"Uh sure do you want a paper contract or something?" Alex

"No just say your full name and say you swear" Cynthia

"I Alex Louise Carlisle swear" Alex

"Good now all this knowledge is yours I shall imprint the non-written knowledge into your mind" Cynthia

"Aghhh" Alex

*ding* 'congratulations host you acquired a vast amount of magical knowledge all at once and unlocked the magic knowledge tree with your talent you will be able to use all of it eventually all you have is theoretical knowledge at the moment try harder to truly comprehend and use magic later'

"Now you need all these books here is a bracelet with space magic I used it to place the books in there are also a few items in it you may need see you when you are older Alex" Cynthia

Suddenly Alex was outside an abandoned building clutching her head with both her hands.

*ding* 'congratulations host you completed the mission "acquire knowledge from legendary magical figure" and acquired a free lottery ticket. Due to host being currently incapacitated system will move host's body home to sleep it off.'

(I am not incapacitated)

'Host your brain was almost fried flooded with tons of information so you shouldn't have motor-functions at the moment don't worry host the system knows that you would be fine with this much information so you aren't in any danger you are just healing you'll feel better after a rest'

(Wait pull the lottery while you control my body)

'Fine host'

*ding* 'congratulations you got a new book to read'

(Ugh I just got a lot of those what ever)

'This book is different from all of those any time you get a new book it's random work of anything you don't have or haven't read yet host we are back I shall lie you down on the bed so sleep'

During Alex's sleep she had a dream she was in a vast universe with multiple colors all vibrant and dancing around her body suddenly they surge through her body and combine with it making her the only thing in the vast universe when she moves her hand the colors suddenly spread again but now it's like a bath she's a part of the colors and can interact with them. Her actual body has been flashing multiple colors the entire night until it suddenly flashes every color and fades away. The next morning Alex woke up feeling rejuvenated and more energetic than ever.

'congratulations host you have acquired mana sensing and an every element affinity I should inform host every person can train every element just having an affinity makes it easier and lucky for you you have a lot of knowledge on the subject of elements'

(Thank you system for the announcement do you have a name?)

'No and no you can not give me a name I am a system not a person and you definitely don't have the qualifications to name me NAMES ARE ALSO A TYPE OF KNOWLEDGE I EMBODY EVERYTHING so I don't need a name.'

(Well alright wow it's still really early only 4 am what should I do? Ah I got new books to read so I'll start that now)

From 4 until 6:30 she read different books about magic and how to use it.

*ding* 'host has acquired the active skills body enhancement and weapon creation'

After reading Alex tried to make a weapon out of her mana and managed to make a small dagger only for it to disappear due to running out of mana and she became really tired

'Host continue to run out of mana and let it refill it should increase your capacity and make you more proficient in the skills you use'

(Really? Isn't it bad to strain yourself)

'Host don't doubt the system most people can't use this but with the hosts unique physique you are just tired not unconscious'

(Oh is my physique due to the system as well)

'No host you are just lucky the system just blocks most of your physique for proper growth and development.'

(Well time to get ready for school)

Nothing else important happened the rest of this week during school.