Date pt. 1

After the talk with Carson, Alex and Jessica are on their way to the aquarium for the first part of their date which Jessica doesn't know about where yet. Jessica is wearing a pair of tight jeans and a black shirt which has a ruffle hem and small v neck.

"Jessica you look great in those clothes." Alex

"Thank you Alex this is my first ever date so I got my mom to help pick something nice." Jessica

"Well you look great I'm really excited about our date I planned it all out." Alex

"Great so where are we going first? Oh you also look nice Alex I forgot to mention it *giggles* remember I'm yours mostly all day" Jessica

"You seem different than usual Jessica are you okay?" Alex

"Well I thought you'd like me like this more." Jessica

"Listen Jessica I don't want you to act different than you actually are on this date I want to get to know you the real you. Oh and first up is the aquarium." Alex

"Alright Alex... lets go! *grabs Alex's hand* let's really make this memorable! It's our first date and you didn't even start holding my hand Alex what happened to being forward! Like when you announced you were a lesbian with gusto be more that!" Jessica

"Ah yeah you're right Jessica I was just too nervous but I shouldn't let that get to me let's go!" Alex

With renewed vigor Alex and Jessica made their way to the aquarium holding hands and chatting about their family once at the aquarium Alex pulled Jessica towards the shark exhibit first.

"Jessica the shark exhibit has a lot of other fish as well so let's look at that first then make our way around." Alex

"Alright but you don't have to say it like that just admit you like sharks the best *laughs*" Jessica

"*slight blush from embarrassment* so what? I just like sharks my point was still valid" Alex

"Yeah that's true alright Alex be my guide. *smiles*"Jessica

"I will Jessica that I will oh and your smile is beautiful I don't see you just smile often." Alex

"Well we've only known each other a week so you'll probably see it a lot in the future. I can relax around you and it's quite nice." Jessica

"That's great *snakes hand around waist and gives her a tight hug* I don't know why but I really wanted to hug you." Alex

"*slight blush* It's fine I don't mind but people are starting to look at us let's hurry to the shark exhibit." Jessica

After their hug they seemed much closer and more chatty the looked at a lot of fish and learned a few random facts as they were getting ready to leave a couple of guys came up to them.

"Hey there pretty ladies how about you spend some time with us. I see you two are alone right now just like me and my friend." Random guy 1

"Just like us? Are you sure about that? I mean I am on a date with my girlfriend so I'm assuming you are on a date with your boyfriend?" Jessica

"*tries to hold back laughter* Jessica I think he was trying to hit on us but didn't realize we were in a relationship." Alex

"I'm not gay." Random guy 1&2

"Well I am a lesbian and I'm with my girlfriend so please leave us alone." Alex

"So what? You girls just don't know any real men yet." Random guy 1

"Trust me any man I don't have an interest in and as for a "real" man I don't see one anywhere near you." Alex

"Leave now you're disturbing my peace and I don't want that." Jessica

"Bitch who do you think you are to order us around?! *attempts to slap Jessica only to be punched really hard in the stomach by Alex* guh" random guy 1

"Take your friend and leave. He's lucky he didn't actually hit her or he wouldn't be seeing tomorrow." Alex

*ding* 'knowledge tree unlocked fighting conditions met ??? = superb fighting talent host congratulations you unlocked the fighting knowledge tree by actually fighting remember that theory and action are two different things but you have superb talent so that doesn't matter just practice and you'll eventually become great but be warned knowing how to fight doesn't give you experience in actually fighting also killing or knocking out awards system points now depending on strength of the enemy be warned there is more to this world than thugs. Fighting knowledge tree involves all forms of fighting knowledge from weapons to martial arts and yes guns count.'

"Hey you can't just hit my friend and tell me to grab him and leave especially after you just threatened his life." Random guy 2

"I didn't threaten his life I gave him some facts." Alex

"Let's just go Alex I want to continue our date. Also you random dudes I suggest you leave because I'll be calling my dad to teach you a lesson if you don't" Jessica

"We aren't scared. *holding his stomach and standing back up* make us leave." Random guy 1

"Fine... *calls Carson talks in fake teary voice* dad these people are bothering me and Alex at the aquarium can you help even after I told them to leave me alone and one guy tried to slap me so Alex hit him and now they won't leave. Uh-huh yeah only two no just teach them a lesson okay thank you bye. Well they will be here shortly Alex so just wait a few minutes then we can continue our date."

After a few minutes 4 black suvs come and takes the two random people and Alex and Jessica can continue their date