(R-18) Date pt. 3

Suddenly Jessica started rubbing up Alex's left leg with her right foot then down her thigh until she touches something squishy and it begins to harden

"Hey Alex *says seductively* can I play with it?" Jessica

"We're in public please Jess hold back we have never done anything like this before." Alex

Suddenly Jessica's foot starts rubbing slightly harder meanwhile she moves her other foot too Alex's zipper

"Maybe but I've at least watched some stuff and heard about it too just let me try *pushes foot on zipper slightly to find her vagina* don't worry these are private booths aren't they." Jessica

All Alex can do is moan at this point she's never felt like this before and can't handle the stimulus very well

"I'll take that as a go ahead" Jessica

*licks lips and crawls under the table really quickly so Alex won't lose her arousal*

"You see Alex everything you say and do for some reason makes me really turned on" Jessica

*unzips Alex's jeans and undoes the button all while rubbing her cock with her free hand*

"It's really big Alex" Jessica

*pulls down Alex's pants to her thighs and takes out her cock also pulls of her pants and panties and leaves then under the table*

"Alex I'm going to play with both your cock and pussy so be patient" Jessica

*starts rubbing Alex's going limp cock until it gets hard again and rubbing Alex's pussy lips*

"Alex why are you commando you wanted something like this right?" Jessica

"*moaning and breathing heavily* it's just *moans* uncomfortable. Jess I *moans* want you really badly *moans* but we shouldn't have sex yet" Alex

"Oh we aren't having sex I'm just going to play with your body for a bit" Jessica

*shoves her finger in Alex's tight pussy and starts pushing in and out*

"Before I suck on this I want to kiss you first" Jessica

*climbs up Alex while facing her and fingering her pushes Alex's cock down and slowly rubs her pussy against its shaft then proceeds to kiss Alex*

"*moans* Alex you make me so tingly just from playing with you do you feel how wet I am don't worry I'll still wait but I'm going to play with your tits give you a blow job and eat you out then I'll continue to grind on you like this" Jessica

*starts unbuttoning Alex's shirt with one hand while rubbing on her cock with her pussy and fingering Alex with her other hand when she sees Alex's bra opens from the front she giggles and unclamps it and she sees hardened pink nipples on soft white mountains so she starts to play with one and kisses down Alex's neck leaving hickies all down to her beautiful slopes from there she sucks on each nipple while she's doing that she suddenly feels a pair of hands on her butt rubbing her back and forth

"Jess *moans* stop *moans* teasing me" Alex

*Alex then proceeds to rub more vigorously while massaging Jessica's butt she then proceeds to put one of her hand on Jessica's pussy playing with that little nub at the top*

"Okay Alex *moans* please stop so I can *moans louder* get down there." Jessica

"No Jess *moans* just flip over *moans* I want to make you feel good too" Alex

*Jessica then proceeds to awkwardly flip herself over while Alex holds her waist and comes face to face with an 11 inch monster which she is determined to please she then proceeds to lick down from the tip until about half way since Alex is holding her waist and keeping her pussy in her face that's as far as she can go. While licking Alex's cock she suddenly feels surges of pleasure from Alex licking her pussy and playing with her clit so she wants revenge she try's to put her cock as deep in her throat as she can go and suck it but that back fired when Alex started face fucking her like there is no tomorrow at first Jessica felt pain on her throat but it soon got easier and she was enjoying being face fucked and eaten out at the same time she has already cum multiple times but Alex still hasn't cone once just as she thought that the cock pulsated and exploded it's cum up her throat which started to trickle back down Alex then let Jessica off her cock even though it's still very ready for more and apologized

"Uh sorry Jess I don't know what came over me" Alex

"It's fine I actually really liked it maybe I like it rough oh and I doubt I'm going to eat you out oh and I swallowed some it tasted weird but not that bad. Also I can barely walk so we should call it a night. Next time we should rent a hotel room" Jessica