Sleep Over

After dropping off all the stuff they needed to both went to Alex's house and saw Chris giving a knowing smile while playing with Emma

"Hey how was your date?" Chris

"It was a lot of fun." Alex

"Really? I wanna go next time." Emma

"Aw isn't she precious? Let's all go out sometime to have fun including Emma Tayler and Mai." Chris

"Maybe we should invite Abigale too she seems kind of down lately." Alex

"Well you can we don't talk to her much... soooooo are you two staying together tonight?" Chris

"Yeah we are here actually and I should actually meet her parents too they'll be here late at night so it's kind of a win win." Jessica

"I want a sleep over too." Emma

"Then let's have a sleep over too Emma I'll sleep with you." Chris

"Yay I love you big sis Chris." Emma

"Why did you have her call you big sis?" Alex

"It's adorable that's why." Chris

"*sigh* what ever I'll tell my parents you'll be staying as well." Alex

"Sweet I get to stay with Emma longer." Chris

"Yay!" Emma

"Yeah yeah." Alex

"Oh I made this for you sissy! *hands stuffed doll of herself to Alex*" Emma

"Uh thanks but how did Chris have the time to make it." Alex

"She already made some she said something about fransis sizing adorableness" Emma

"Oi Chris I know you're active and want to make your own money but this is kind of creepy what if some pedo gets some." Alex

"Well I wasn't serious about it at least not a humans adorableness maybe puppies or other adorable small creatures." Chris

"But there are a lot of those." Jessica

"Nah I think I'll personalize them per order obviously for more money." Chris

"Hmmmm... good luck." Alex

"Good luck I don't know what you're doing but sounds hard" Emma

"Aw Alex let me have your sister." Chris

"No she's my sister go get a different one." Alex

"Alright cut it out you two." Jessica

"We were just joking around *sticks out tongue*" Chris

"Well did you and Emma already eat dinner? If not there is food in the fridge just heat it up and it'll be good." Alex

"Yeah we already ate Emma made me toast it was adorable but she made a lot of toast so we are kind of stuffed just like these animals *laughs*." Chris

"Dumb joke Chris even Emma didn't laugh." Alex

"I'm hilarious she's just to young to understand and you two have no sense of humor." Chris

"Alright so I sleep in Alex's room and you sleep in Emma's room tonight right?" Jessica

"Of course third wheeling would make everyone uncomfortable." Chris

"Great then there is no problem so about cleaning ourselves Chris did you bring clothes to change into?" Jessica

"I thought I'll just borrow some of Alex's." Chris

"Uh I don't wear panties *looks away slightly ashamed* but um I have some boy underwear if you want." Alex

"That's fine I don't mind some people don't like wearing panties." Chris

"Great then" Alex

"Hey so what do all of you plan on doing until night time?" Emma

"Hmmmm well we could just play with you Emma." Chris

"Yeah I'm fine with that." x2

"Ah I'll also read you a bed time story tonight Emma." Alex

"Yay I love when sissy reads to me." Emma

"Uh but I'll be in the same room room shouldn't I just read to her." Chris

"No you can't your reading voice sucks." Emma

"*devastated* no it doesn't." Chris

"No it's pretty bad and very monotone at least in class why do you think the teacher never asked you to read again." Jessica

"Yeah it was kind of weird considering how emotionally you usually speak I was dumbfounded by it." Alex

"But aren't we reading her to sleep? Won't that be better." Chris

"I mean maybe but personally I'd just be annoyed so much I couldn't sleep." Alex

"I agree" Jessica

"Me too." Emma

"Meh well I'll just see how Alex is at reading the book tonight then but I'll be very judge-mental about it." Chris

"Real mature Chris." Jessica

"Alex is the best at reading!" Emma

"Oh Emma you're so cute but you should agree with me *pouts*" Chris

"You read like a robot Chris accept it and don't make Emma feel bad." Alex

"What about me you all are making me feel bad." Chris

"Well Maybe Alex can teach you how to read out loud better and I really hope you read with emotions when you read in your head." Jessica

"What? No I hate reading so I can't really emotionally feel the words you know." Chris

"Then why do you want to read to Emma?" Alex

"Well she's just so adorable but when I first read to her she never asked again do I thought she didn't like being read to but it turned out she just didn't want me to read to her." Chris

"Well it's not like she can't read on her own but likes to be read to especially to sleep but she can read by her self and asking you seemed like more of a loss in her little head." Alex

"Probably." Jessica

"Hey! That's mean!" Chris

Like that they resumed their banters and playing until Alex's dad came home and once Alex introduced Jessica he immediately yells

"You can't take my daughter! Nah just kidding I just always wanted to say that it probably won't be a joke of you were a guy though. *secretly hopes Emma is straight so he can actually mean it later.*" Richard

"Uh... Nice to meet you Mr. Carlisle I'm Jessica." Jessica

"Nice to meet you Jessica you can just call me Alex's dad or something along those lines." Richard

"Uh... gotcha." Jessica

After the relatively short encounter and greeting there wasn't much else considering they could just meet Lauren the next day so they all went to shower Alex alone and the other 3 together. Then Alex read to her sister an entire book afterward she realized Emma was already asleep but Chris' eyes were shining asking for another which Alex ignored and went back to her room and saw Jessica barely dressed.