After Party

The after party was easy enough to find and join but it was unexpected to be in a large lake house with a larger party than Alex expected. There were drugs booze and hook ups like in movies and it was chaotic. Alex was super excited and only had a few plans for tonight, try drinking and weed, no hardcore drugs, watch their drinks, and stick with her girls. Tonight was going to be awesome she hoped.

"Alright girls it's time to see what this is all about!" Alex

"I have drunk and smoked weed before it isn't exactly great." Tayler

"I expected Chris to say something like that not you." Mai

"Hey! I do track and field I can't just do drugs and drink so I have never tried any. I do admit I wanted to try but I can't tonight sorry Alex." Chris

"It's fine... when we graduate next year let's have a drink then." Alex

"I drunk some alcohol before and it tastes horrible plain so we might want to see if there is a bartender or something instead of just alcohol." Jessica

"Hm... well let's just go inside and find stuff to do." Alex

After they went inside they saw that most people are in comfortable looking clothes having fun sipping on some drinks and that there is indeed a bartender.

"Alright let's get some drinks." Alex

"Alright." x4

"Hello bartender ( A/n: won't give him a name since he's a one off character.) would you recommend some new comers some drinks." Alex

"Are you over 21?" BT

"Yep, so... recommendations?" Alex

"Uh-huh... well I don't care as long as you don't rat me out... I recommend some of our softer mixed drinks I can make you my personal favorite a cola cherry twisted with orange sensations. It's soft and tastes pretty good." BT

"Sounds good to me I'll take 4 for each of us except Chris." Alex

"Well it's an open bar so just tell me if you want more oh and watch your friends drinks can never be too careful." BT

"Thank you and I will." Alex

Alex and the girls decided inside was too hot and went outside where some people were smoking.

"Alright girls now I have no idea how to go about getting weed so Uh... Tayler?" Alex

"See that guy in the hoodie just hanging back looking around?" Tayler

"Yeah?" Alex

"I've known him for years he sells weed, ecstasy, and Vicodin." Tayler

"Alright so I just go ask for some or something?" Alex

"He's pretty cool but ask him if he'll roll because we didn't bring a grinder wraps or a bowl." Tayler

"Oh! Thanks." Alex

"Oh and if you want more and go to a different dealer they won't do that for you but it's fine I'm almost certain you won't enjoy this." Tayler

Alex went to the dude got a few blunts and came back.

"Alright is everyone e ready?" Alex

"We don't need more than one blunt Alex!" Tayler

"Well I just thought one for each of us." Alex

"No we just pass the blunt. Oh and wipe your mouth and barely use your lips when you inhale." Tayler

"Alright sheesh this is a lot of work." Alex

"Alright I'm ready." Mai

"I feel kind of left out." Chris

"Sorry Chris I forgot you can't do any of this stuff yet." Alex

"Well how about tonight Alex destroys you first." Jessica

"That sounds like some great compensation thanks!" Chris

"Uh... can we try now I'm super curious what the hype is about." Mai

"I'll start and you do what I do." Tayler

They started smoking and drinking all snuggled up together until they heard a splash and saw people skinny dipping in the lake.

"That seems like fun!" Chris

"Yeah... but I'd rather only Alex see my body." Jessica

"Well I think it seems fun as well but I don't know most of these people so I'd rather not." Tayler

"Alex probably couldn't join anyway." Mai

"Hm... I think my family has a private beach." Alex

"I'd rather go skinny dipping in a lake than a beach. Luckily my family owns a small land with a large pond on it we can skinny dip there with no problems." Jessica

"Awesome let's make some plans" Chris

"Tayler you were right I don't enjoy smoking all that much but it is fun to feel like this." Alex

"Yeah I know... but these drinks are actually pretty good." Tayler

"Yeah but I don't want more." Alex

"Alex let's go home now the party was okay but I want something else tonight." Jessica

"And I'm first this time!" Chris

"I'll call our rides." Mai

"I'm looking forward to another session." Tayler

They all went to Secret Nest for the night for a better fun than that party.