Meeting the Schmidt’s and Fauster’s

When Alex got close, Mai ran towards her and gave a strong hug while crying.

"It's okay Mai, everything is okay stop crying." Alex

"I thought you were going to die and it would be all my fault for inviting you today." Mai

"No I wouldn't have died and even if I did it wouldn't be your fault. The fault would have been my own and the people who killed me don't blame yourself please." Alex

"I'm just happy your safe Alex and I know logically it wouldn't have been my fault but emotionally I know I would've blamed myself so I'm sorry. Hold me a little longer." Mai

"Mai you should introduce us to your... friend." Mai's Mother

"Ah... Alex the lady with black hair and blue eyes is my mother, Selene Fauster, and the man with blonde hair and green eyes is my father, Micheal Fauster. Mother, Father, this is my boyfriend Alex Carlisle."

"Nice to meet the both of you." Alex

"Indeed, my daughter informed me she had a friend named Alex, when did you two become a couple?" Selene

"We became a couple three weeks ago." Mai (bullshit)

"Yeah that sounds about right." Alex

"I see... does he have the right to date you though?" Micheal

"I believe we should let Mai decide for herself Micheal." Selene

"Yes my love." Micheal

"So how did you two meet?" Selene

"I met her on the first day of school and we just hit it off." Alex

"Yeah. I then invited her to the literature club... Alex you need to recruit more people or it'll close down next year!" Mai

"Well I only read there and went to hang out with you and Abigale so... no need for it now." Alex

"That's... true it just feels like you should but okay it's your choice." Mai

"Who's Abigale?" Selene

"Our best friend, you know Abigale!" Mai

"Ah... the princess of the Schmidt's I thought you had a falling out." Selene

"No we are still great friends." Mai

"She hasn't come over in years and all you talk about is Alex so... I just kind of assumed." Selene

"Well we are great she's coming over here right now... awww she's been crying too let's go cheer her up Alex." Mai

"Sure thing Mai." Alex

Alex, Mai, and her family all walked up to the Schmidt's where Alex and Mai pulled Abigale into a tight hug.

"Hey Abby I'm glad you're okay." Mai

"I'm glad both of you are okay too. I was worried when they called both of your names but I'm glad we made it out of this alive." Abigale

"I was also nervous when both of your names were called and if they tried to harm you I would've protected both of you and probably your parents." Alex

"That's sweet thank you I know you've been training and I'm glad you'd go out of your way to try and protect us." Mai

"Yeah... let me introduce you to my parents Alex!" Abigale

"Uh... okay." Alex

"My mother is the one on the right with brown hair and eyes she's named Jane also no she isn't lesbian the MAN walking beside her with peppered hair and black eyed is my father, Leon, even though he looks like a woman he is a man." Abigale

"Uh... that's nice... nice to meet you Mr. & Mrs. Schmidt." Alex

"This is my friend Alex from school." Abigale

"Ah... Nice to meet you." Jane

"Why don't you go after him instead of Henry Abigale?" Leon

"Father! Must we speak of this now we almost died and you bring up Henry?!" Abigale

"Maybe we should've invited him." Leon

"Stop Leon dear Abigale is hyperventilating. She's had an emotional day so leave her be." Jane

"Alright Jane. We'll speak of this later Abigale." Leon

"Uh... *whispers* are you okay?" Alex

"Peachy." Abigale

"Uh... well let's go hang out with Mai and ignore the adults." Alex

"Yeah... well let's go." Abigale

"Your father seems nice..." Alex

"Ugh don't start he's actually usually pretty reasonable but he loathes Henry for some reason." Abigale

"Maybe we should find out the reason?" Alex

"Yeah but not today... hey Mai the cops are here should we make a statement or something?" Abigale

"My mother said she'd handle it for me and I believe your mother is handling it for you but Alex might need to talk to them." Mai

"I really don't want to." Alex

"Yeah that sucks... have fun." Abigale

Abigale and Mai walked away while a cop went up to Alex to get her statement and to see if she's okay.

"Hello my name is Roger please inform me of what you remember if you can." Roger

"Well crazy people came in shot people called me a sociopath then left." Alex

"Uh... more details if possible." Roger

Alex then told Roger in great detail what happened leaving out the sociopath argument, her almost getting shot and most of the useless things but got extremely specific about the gore to see Roger uncomfortable. After that she was free to go which she did and saw that Abigale and Mai already left. She then drove home in which her family gave her a hug and said they were happy she was okay.