End of Early Life Arc part 1

Abigale and Mai went off to college it was a sad time for their friend group but they promised to visit when they could. Abigale went to get a law and business degree while Mai wanted to get a degree in literature and fine arts. After Abigale and Mai left Alex and the other girls were preparing for their senior year. Tabitha informed Alex that she will be training her extremely harsh to get her ready for Prospect Academy. Jessica's father has been teaching her the ins and outs of their family "business" to get her ready to take over after college. Chris has been trying harder on the track team and hasn't talked about plans or her family for that matter. Tayler has got this mad scientist vibe going on lately taking apart things and making random new things she met Mira again recently and her "father" wants to hire Tayler.

Alex and Sarah have gone on quite a few dates over the summer and other than training ,Alex with the girls, spent most of the time with Mai and Abigale.

During the last few days of all of their vacation Alex was hanging out with Abigale all alone waiting for their other friends and can tell something is bugging her.

"What's wrong Abigale?" Alex

"It's Henry... I haven't seen or heard from him in weeks. He usually at least calls to check up on everything even if it's not specifically for me it made me happy and all of a sudden radio silence I'm worried." Abigale

"Have you tried calling him?" Alex

"He hasn't picked up and when I told my father he just scoffed and didn't do anything." Abigale

"Well... want me to look for him?" Alex

"No I'm just worried and wanted to vent I hope he's fine though." Abigale

"Come on let's go search I'll call everyone to help." Alex

"NO! What if something happens to one of you!?" Abigale

"Uh... well how about just you and I go look then?" Alex

"Alex you do realize we are waiting for our friends right? What would they think if we just up and left?" Abigale

"That you wanted to go try "it" before you left?" Alex

"Ugh... No... okay they might think that... which won't happen btw... I was trying to say that we abandoned them to do something else." Abigale

"Nah... besides we could just text them and say something came up." Alex

"Whatever." Abigale

Turns out everyone had something important come up except for Mai, Alex, and Abigale.

(A/n: Alex texted them and told them that she wanted to spend some alone time with Abby and Mai lol)

"Wow what a coincidence and look Mai is already here let's all just go look for Henry as a little road trip or something." Alex

"ALEX I watched you text them!" Abigale

"Must've been your imagination. Well let's go!" Alex

"Wait what about our cars?" Mai

"Meh I'll call someone to drop them off at my house." Alex

After driving around a bit Alex realized she had no idea where she should go.

"Abigale where was he last time he called you?" Alex

"He was around one of my family's warehouses." Abigale

"Great! Which one and where are they?" Alex

"Just go towards the warehouses then we can get out the car and look around." Abigale

"Aye Aye!" Alex

"So... why are we looking for Henry?" Mai

"Abigale misses him oh so dearly and would just be down right ridden with grief if we can not find him." Alex

"What?! No this was your idea completely don't shift the blame towards me!" Abigale

"Ah... well after we find him... then what?" Mai

*awkward silence*

"We'll figure it out later!" Alex

"So we are searching for Abigale's love interest because he hasn't called and if we find him we are going to wing it?" Mai

"Yes!" Alex

"Well couldn't you have let us eat first." Mai

"Hm... we were at a cafe before we left." Abigale

"Yeah... I forgot about food... I'll just get us something on the way." Alex

"I say we have a brunch since it's already kind of late for breakfast." Abigale

"Sure sure just tell me if you see a place you wish to stop at." Alex

A few minutes go by and they finally see a nice little family restaurant that they decide to eat at the restaurant actually had a brunch menu which was moderately surprising. After choosing what to eat they talked until food arrived and found out Abigale and Henry are still just friends which clearly annoyed her. Talking about ways to seize his heart and what not their food finally came.

After a very filling brunch Alex, Mai and Abigale once again set off to find Henry completely clueless as to what they will find and how it will affect them later in life.