(R-18 gore) End of Early Life Arc part 2

It was a calm ride to the warehouse district but once there they had to search around which didn't seem fun.

"Alright let's split up!" Abigale

"Yeah, no have you ever seen a scary movie? We stick together." Mai

"I agree with Mai. If he can wait a few week, he can wait a few hours for a group search." Alex

"I guess you're right... So where to first?" Abigale

"Close your eyes and pick." Alex

"Uh... fine." Abigale

After searching for a few hours the girls come across a relatively newer lookin warehouse.

"Alright guys this one seems promising." Alex

"Well time to sneak in." Mai

"Best be off then." Abigale

Walking around the warehouse looking for a place to sneak in they only found one really high window and the doors in and out of the place.

"Alright... I'll go through the window and get you guys in afterward." Alex

"Okay." x2

Alex jumped straight up to the window and found it was unlocked and easy to get into. Dropping down and landing silently she looks around and sees random boxes but what catches her eye is a door that leads to an underground cellar. Alex walked over to it and opened it only to find some office place with a lot of weird notes and a diary. Alex went back up opened the door and got Abigale and Mai so they could all read the stuff.

"Ah... this is Henry's handwriting... let's see his job was looking through some stuff in warehouse A 26... let's check his diary... hm... it's written in everyday but stopped being written in two weeks ago... OH MY GOD!" Abigale

"What?" x2

"He's gay... I feel so stupid." Abigale

"Uh... that really sucks but we should probably still find him you're still friends right?" Alex

"Yeah... I just feel stupid... hm... so he found a secret lair or something and was searching for the owner and that's it..." Abigale

"Well looks like we are looking in warehouse A 26." Alex

"Yeah." Mai

"I don't think... I... I feel like I should go home... I need some time..." Abigale

"Ah... well..." Mai

"Just take my car I have a phone and can call a driver or something take her home Mai... I'll go find Henry." Alex

"Thank you Alex." Abigale

"No problem see you guys later." Alex

After separating Alex went to warehouse A 26 and felt a large amount of wards around it. Alex walked up to the wards and saw they were just for detection.

Making a hole in the wards she walked straight in and looked around and found a lot of random boxes and an entrance to what Henry called a secret lair and found it rather quickly but also found it had a few magic traps on it and another detection field.

Breaking the traps and field would have been the fastest way but Alex worried about some fail safes and made a safe zone she walked through. Walking in she found a lot of jars filled with different things including but not limited to various body parts of different species random drugs, plants, and weird liquids. She found a lot of random recipes and a few things involving Abigale's family including incriminating evidence about a certain graduation.

"Fuck... I need to find Henry and get him out of here." Alex

Looking around some more she saw a map with a location marked and figured that's where Henry went since nothing else had an actual place mentioned. Alex left and went to a different ware house. As soon as she walked in she saw it was empty but saw a latch that lead downwards. As soon as she opened it she smelt decay and a lot of blood. Walking down she saw some people talking with each other and then she saw Henry strung up missing his hands, feet, eyes, and disemboweled he was dead and Alex was pissed.

Alex stopped caring about any traps and detections and just ran straight to the three people talking around her friend's friends body. And broke all of their knees.

"Alright you human refuse... why the fuck did you kill that man?" Alex


"Shut the fuck up and answer the damn question." Alex

"He found us and we couldn't let him leave alive. Just like you." Not one of the people whose knees are broken

"Awe are you upset you can't hide worth shit... I mean who has a map to their base at another base?!" Alex

"We have only one base child."

"Ah... well I'm just going to kill you and take him back." Alex

As soon as she finished talking she kicked the three people with broken knees heads off and charged towards the voice and attacked only for it to faze through.

"Oh my god it's obito wanna be well guess what I know how to break magic intangibility it's really easy just force your magic into theirs and it's disrupted... sure it might break their organs but that's a risk I was willing to make." Alex

Watching the intangible dude fall to the ground coughing up blood Alex walked straight up to him and crushed his skull.

"I know you're there so come out." Alex

"Ah well you seemed to have had it covered." H. F. V.

"Hey it's you the chick who called me a sociopath!" Alex

"My name is Alena and I didn't expect you to come and take care of a job for me." Alena

"Huh? I thought you were some underground mobster." Alex

"I'm a lot of things when I need to be depends on the pay." Alena

"Ah... well you sound less insane." Alex

"Well I was doing my job... and now you finished my other one." Alena

"Well you probably should have killed them earlier." Alex

"My job was to make sure they killed that man first then kill them." Alena

"What the fuck why?" Alex

"Don't know or care just some rich people wanted him baited into his death." Alena

"Oh shit... it wouldn't happen to be the Schmidt's?" Alex

"Now that would be telling... but I want really told to keep it a secret so how about you let me have their heads to sell and I'll tell you." Alena

"Uh... sure I was just going to burn them up anyway." Alex

"Well... yep it was them no I'm going take these heads bye." Alena

After cleaning up the mess and dragging what was left of Henry out Alex called Mai and told her to bring Abigale.

When Abigale saw Henry she started crying on the spot and becoming hysterical so Mai had to calm her down.

"Alright I know this is hard but I need to tell you something." Alex

"What?" Abigale

"Listen your family was behind his death and involved in what happened at the school and I need to know if you're going to be safe after we call someone to pick up Henry's body." Alex


"Well yeah so what should we do?" Alex

"Go to the police?" Abigale

"Abby your family is rich." Mai

"So?" Abigale

"So unless we have irrefutable proof they are just going to go free." Alex

"But... but... Henry." Abigale

"Yeah... so how about you take over your family and find evidence then destroy the rest of them." Alex

"I will... I'll bide my time and find every little secret they hide take over my family after college and irradiate anyone involved in anything like this... they will pay!" Abigale

"Wow! That is hot... anyways what should we do with Henry's body?" Alex

"Secret funeral." Abigale

"Well alright then." Alex

So Alex and her friends all went o Henry's secret funeral. Jessica and Abigale started an alliance with their family's when they take over. Abigale and Mai finally left for college and Alex is ready for her last year in high school.

That's the end of this arc.