Chapter two Kai’La the last princess of the planet Kai

Deep in space there was a planet called Planet Kal'lengar, it was a peaceful planet who's people lived for thousands of years, having been one of the first planets created by Kara the Kind the first daughter of the All Mother and the Watcher of the MultiverseThroughout the years the Kailengareons had developed a strong sense to the Multiverse and were the first to use Kyi.

Kyi is the essuce of the Multiverse, a force that binds and connects the Multiverse as well as every person that lives throughout all Timelines in the Multiverse. Kyi was crafted by The Creator when he formed the Core of the Multiverse at the beginningg of time. Kyi can be unlocked by a person by tapping into your inner link with the Multiverse that all beings in the Multiverse have.

It takes hundreds of years to fully master Kyi and use techinces like being able to sense the Kyi of others that have and use Kyi.

Because of their bond to the Multiverse and the spiritual connection to Kara. They train in ancient warrior techniques to protect the Multiverse and the All Mother at all costs.The Dazor family had ruled Kai for a thousand years, his father Jin Dazor had a vision from Kara before he died that one day a child will be born with an intense connection to the Multiverse and she must be sent to the world of Tylingariea and saved from the destruction of their planet.the most recent ruler was Aza Dazar. A tall Kailengareon who had long copper-colored hair and dark blue eyes knew of this prophecy and the destiny of the planet as did many of the people of Kyi and they had accepted their fate to become one with the Multiverse.Castle Dazor on the far side of Kai on the far side was a secret spaceport that had the Escape rocket to be used by the member of the royal family and since the materials to create and fuel such a rocket were few on the planet the builders were only able to have enough to build one.finally, the day had come and the core to the planet had become unstable causing massive earthquakes and tremors creating pools of lava that formed from the earth and craters that shallowed whole sectors of the planet.The spaceport was unharmed due to a force field that protected it. But the castle was being torn apart by constant massive earthquakes and tremors are wrecked the planet surface.King Dazor and his wife Niya, a dark blue skin, blue eyes, and copper-colored hair. Although middle-aged, she still has a youthful look. She and Dazor love their daughter Kai' La there only daughter and the princess of Kyi, she was sixteen and was set on staying with the rest of her people and ascending to the Overworld. Niya wanted to keep her little girl with her but knew that it would be unfair to not only her but to the entirety of the Kyi Race to let it end here.Dazor and Niya both decide with heavy hearts to save her from being killed and the explosion of their dying planet they would send her to the Multiverse Tylingariea. Niya sobbed, with her hands to her face, " She does not want to go, she would rather die here with us then to go and live on some strange planet with a species she has no idea who or what they are!" " Yes, I know my dear, but I would also like her to have a family. I know that she is against it as much as you are, but I want the Kai name to live on. That is why I have had Dr. Jax drug her so when she wakes up, she will be in a ship and away from the explosion." Dazor said as Dr. Jax went up into Kai'La room Niya turned to Dazor and with a longing look in her eyes asked Dazor "Please may I look upon her one last time before she leaves us," Niya said her voice weak with sadnessKing Dazor replied coldly but he also did not want his daughter to leave" No, you may not for if you do then she may feel regret in her heart and that may lead to unwise choices in her walk along the path of life." Niya nodded as she watched the guards carry the drugged body of Kai'La out of the crumbling throne room into a courtyard that was collapsing to the endless abyss.there was the crushing sound as massive stone pillars crashed into the earth creating massive creators in the ground.The dying planet would soon explode. The guards holding the drugged body of Kai'La ran through the collapsing courtyard as pillars made of red brick were falling all around them, lava began to flow from the earth as the crust of the planet began to break. "Hurry, to the ship!" One of the Caption Guards cried out as the courtyard's split in two and the Castle towers began to fall. "The King's trapped!"One of the guards cried " Oh my Goddess the king is dead!" Another one exclaimed a third guard explained: "The Queen is dead as well!" The captain guard screamed as a giant piece of the Castle tower fell on top of them.The guard dropped Kai'La there was only one guard left gathering all of his courage he ran over and picked her up.The caption guard looked at the only guard left alive and said with weak short breaths " Quick get the Princess to the ship you are our only hope!"The guard nodded; he knew that if he failed then the whole Kyi race would be gone. There was the sound of air releasing as the hatch door opened the guard placed Kai'La in the ship's hypersleep pod. "Countdown in 10." The Computer saidThe ground started to break beneath the docking bay. As the planet began to shake jets of molten lava jetted out of the earth as the planet began to split apart the space docking bay shook as it began to crumble as the Earth's split apart with a tremendous roar the docking bay began to fall.The guard could clearly see the red pulsing core of dark red magma from the lip of the chasm.Finally, it was too much for the structure to take as the guard could see the timbers burst into flames as lava sprayed in the sky. The roof above collapsed it works thankfully this shield that protected the ship."3," The Computer said"2," The Computer said as the thrusters started, and flames shot out just as the planet started to give way."1 Blastoff," The Computer said, just as the rocket carrying the Princess took off. The shield gave way and the guard who risked his life to save the last princess of Kai was killed by the lava and fallen debris.His lifeless body was then swallowed up along with all the other people that died in the dying planet of Kai's last glow,a silent explosion from Planet Kai rocked the ship as the only Kai that is alive is Kai'LaSix years in deep spaceKai'la's eyes shot open and let out a gasp of air, her mind was foggy. The pod opened; the hissing sound echoed through the room as the glass dome clicked open Kai her body still numb from the drugs fell to the floor." Where in all the Over- World am I?" Kai'La La thoughtshe could tell she was regaining feeling in her body as Her bandaged right arm began to hit, Kai'la cried out in pain as her body was sore all over for not moving for six years as her body began to regain feeling. Kai'la weakly stood up and looked out the porthole and saw that she was in space. " By the Mother!" Kai cried out as her legs gave way and she fell back to the ground "I am in space, I am not with my father." she paused her mind was whirling with anger sadness and confusion.she was mad that she could not have been left to die with her people and sad for their lost and confused about where she is right now.Kai's Sapphire red eyes weld up with tears Kai laid her head down and cried.Her father and mother were gone. But most of all Kai placed a hand on her right sleeve of her jacket, there she heard a small ring of a bell as a rope chain wing."Goodbye Rune" Kai'la said gasping the bell, she could feel the Kyi from her lover slowly fading. Kai'la held back tears as she felt Runes spirt lift from the bell.Letting go of the bell Kai'la spoke softly " May your spirit rest easy my friend and Ki'vesta guide you safely to Over Heaven."she felt the drug had worn off so she got up and Suppressing as her body was still quite sore the urge step start cursing and saying all sorts Kai'gareon curse words she decided to go to the computer to start getting some answers before she said something she would start regarding. Kai'La walked over to the computer console and pressed a series of buttons then a hologram of a woman wearing clothing similar Kai'La appeared the hologram said, " yes what can I help you with?"Kai' La replied " How old am I how long have I been in suspended animation?" The hologram replied " you have been asleep for six years and are 21While you were in suspended animation you were injected with a microchip that contains all the navigational charts of the stars and solar systems, universes, and dimensions that man and alien alike.These charts are implanted directly into your brain. Fatherhood purpose hologram explained why he did what he did and why he implanted this microchip into your brain. Would you like to see it now?"As Kai'La looked at the hologram she thought absently " She looks a lot like my mother." As the Hologram continued to talk Kai'La was not listening anymore. She was staring at the stars as they passed by. She could not stop thinking about her father, mother, and Rune the boy she loved, the one she had left in tears, Just to think about this made her well up in tears and she composed herself and thought " the only thing that I can do know is to find out where I am going and why I am here."After a long period of reflection, she said "Computer, play the hologram of my father's last words."