Chapter 5 Jason Blackheart

Jason Blackheart opened his eyes after a long nap on the Cosmic Train, he opened up a golden pocket watch after a few minutes he sighed and said in an irritated voice " just twenty minutes, Ben" Jason said leaning close to a young man with dark brown hair and holding a black case.Jason had long jet-black hair and penetrating blue eyes you were a dark Dragon skin jacket that held his Calgarian crafted knife, it also housed his Duel Dark Matter Blaster Pistols. At his side, he had a long Dark Dragon Skin Blade. He also wore a Buaildeers with Skin Pants and Boots as well as a Gorack Threaded Cloak." I know he will be here," Ben asked his body shaking Jason leaned close his gaze a cold and icy stare glazed into the man's soul. Jason smiled a sly dark smile " You had better hope so." Jason said as he removed his blade and flipped it effortlessly between his fingers " or you will die."Ben gulped " why do you want to know where to find Immortality?" Ben asked hoping to stall his killer. Jason put his blade away and looked at Ben"I suppose there is no harm in telling a worthless none like you why I seek immortality. But first, let me ask you a question." He paused his face becoming somber and dark " what would you do if you found out the day you were going to die?"Ben did not know how to respond to that for a moment " I guess I would try anything to stay alive."Jason replied " Yes, that is what I did. when I was told by ten years ago by a close friend that I was to die in ten years by a man that I have betrayed."Ben looked at him " that must be an exceptionally long list. how many people have you betrayed in ten years?"Jason leaned back and said " at least twenty but all of them are dead either by my hands or some other means. For ten years I searched for a way to cheat death and then two years ago I heard rumors of immortality somewhere in the Multiverse." Jason looked at his watch and closed it just as a tall man walked up to them" oh, good your here. Bix your brother was about to lose at least a finger. " Jason said Bix looked at Jason " I can't stand you I have never met a person who likes you, I am going to tell you where I have heard about Immortality just so you can leave this system and die. Head to Vantar7 and then go to Tylingariea" Bix saidJason nodded " thank you. I will see you later."Jason Blackheart got off on Vantar 7 upon leaving the train a huge man ran across the station yelling "I'LL KILL YOU BLACKHEART!" The huge man bounded forward his huge hand extended to grad Jason and kill him.Jason stood still not moving when in an instant there were screams of terror as blood began spraying from the man's body.It happened in a blur Jason's Dark Dragon skin blade was drawn all that was that the man saw was a streak of white light that seemed to flow seamlessly around his body like a needle threading a quilt.the man fell to the ground blood his head rolled onto the floor, his chest cavity was cut open and his arms were sliced into ribbons. Jason walked over to the man; Jason spat in the man's face Once he entered the busy city of Space Docked City of Vagtar and walked towards the next spaceport The city of Vangar seven was not Jason's first pick on his journey. In the times he had traveled across the galaxy he had never seen such a filthy, disgusting rat hole of a planet that is filled to the brim with all of the liars, thugs and thieves, murders, and all who are hatted room throughout the universe.One would think that Jason would feel at home here, but he is not as he went around the unwashed masses of Vangar 7 is still the most hated Space Pirate that this the called out of the depths of Under-Hell. Jason pondered this until they came upon the Space Dock and said " Ah Space Docks my first stop on my journey to the greatest prize ever, immortally" The Space Docks is the part of Vagtar 7 were most people came and left the city also the most corrupt. As Jason walked towards the ticket person, he saw just how corrupt the Space Docks are. A guard took a bribe to look the other way when he saw several men illegally selling alien weapons as well as several unregistered alien children as slaves. Jason walked by several men and guards leaned up against several crates all drunk as fools laughing in carrying on their mind blurred to the darkness of the world. Jason just passed them feeling sorry that men to absorb themselves in alcohol order to find a good time. Jason approached the ticket booth and said to the ticket man was a tall man was light brown hair and light blue eyes. The man asked, "what can I do for you?" Jason replied as he reached into his pocket and gave the ticket man a bag of unfairly won credits." yes there is I would like a seat upfront and I would my horse to be in the back where no one can find her. "The Ticket man shifted the Credits in his hand and Jason said sternly to the ticket man "Remember you did not see or hear a thing got it." The Ticket man nodded his head as he stuffed the credits in his pocket and signal for a stable boy to get Leri. Jason whispered to the stable boy "Makes no one sees this horse and there is an extra tip in your left pocket." As Jason slipped several credits in the stable boys' left pocket as a bribe the stable boy nodded. Jason walked onto the ship confident in his mind he was going to get what he wants which is the greatest prize ever sought out but never found Jason is one of the few men there has found one of the keys to this prize Jason prize that he sought was immortality and he aimed to achieve it no matter the cost. Jason sat down next to an older man in a seat that had red velvet covering it.The older man had long grey hair, he wore a black rod that covered his whole body and across his eyes was a worn, torn bandage. "Hello sir, where are you going to?" Jason asked the man." I seek that with can't be found in the mortal realm. I seek the one who has the flames of darkness burning deep in their soul." The man said grasped Jason's hand once he did the room melted away into a midnight black. Jason stood atop a spiral cliff overlooking a vast hellish landscape of demons, monsters from the Nothing. Jason looked up and gasped he saw the heavens open from there gaping maw descended The Elder Gods. Great beings of unholy might and cosmic greatness, The eyes of the Ashen King stared down at Jason with a menacing glare from beyond time and space itself, Jason could feel the intensity of their Kyi pushing down on his body like the weight of the universe was crushing his every bone, mashing his organs and vaporizing every single cell in his body, He watched as the massive unholy, monstrous maw of the interstellar beast of untapped and unknown power spoke. Its voice echoed thought all time, shattering planets with the thunderous boom, Jason awestruck at the celestial creature the stood before, speaking in a language not known by man for thousands of Eons. The words were soft but echoed loudly thought Jason's mind as they drilled into his subconscious, Jason became to understand what the Great one was telling him, giving him knowledge of all things, events that would be and have yet to pass.He fell to his knees his face soaked with tears as his mind was full of knowledge no mortal man should carry and cried out "how am I supposed to seek out this divine" Jason asked, "he goes by many names Voidheart, Lupine Riddle, Ezra Dra'ghoul but you must seek him out in the form he chooses or maybe he will find you." The man saidAs the ship started, he pondered what will be like to be immortal. Jason was thirty-five and know that soon his days of being a Space pirate would be behind him but when he became immortal, he would be able to plunder the universes for all time. Jason then returned to reality as he heard the intercom come to life and the captain of the ship say " we are making stops in Terra Prime, Morwrath Salagavar, The Ra dimension and are last stop will be in Tylingariea.The trip to time to Tylingariea was long and tedious so Jason was able to break up the tedium of the journey by playing many games of chance with his seatmate and when they finally reached their last stop of Tylingariea Jason had increased his bags of credits threefold. Thankfully, his seatmate with it was a rich merchant and was not vindictive.Once the ship arrived the ship docked in Vancoon City a city docked city where all the ships dock. "Yes, immortality in a quest to destroy a great and unknown evil." Jason thought as he got a ship and got his horse from the back of the ship. As Jason was leaving the dock, he saw a tall figure wearing a dark brown robe the stranger asked Jason "are you Jason Blackheart?" Jason and replied, "Yes I am he; may I ask who you are and why do you ask?" The stranger replied " I am Korein and I have been sent by Victor Silvertounge to bring you to the Lower Room where there the other Six of Legend are waiting for you and the sixth. " After the introduction, they headed to the lower room where the other four of the Six of Legend were waiting for him and the Sixth of Legend