Chapter 7 Morgone

In Tylingariea there is a Kingdom named Kal'orerack in the center of Kal'orerack is Castle Raz a castle made of brick that could very well fall apart at any minute, it is protected by a spell that enables this Castle from collapsing until the last of the appointed kings of Kal'orerack are either killed or die of natural or supernatural causes. A man wearing a dark red hood that is covering his eyes enters Castle Raz. When he enters the Throne room the man bows before a middle-aged man who was sitting on a large golden throne. The bowing man said in a raspy voice " My brother King Calingar, I come bearing great news, the six that were told of, on our Father's death are coming!" King Calingar stood up and said "Ali'vara {thank the gods}." Calingar saidCalingar stood and walked towards Morgone " It has been over 25 years since Father's death I was beginning to think that that Jin'qua was wrong."The man stood up and removed his hood to reveal that he had long black hair and blood-red eyes. Morgone was in his late twenties he carried a long dragon blade. Morgone bore the weight of not only being the oldest but was in his mind cheated from the throne by his little brother.King Calingar had a youthful look to him, he had long brown hair and bright green eyes. King Calingar spoke to Morgone gruffly as he did not fully trust Morgone to help the Six but to go to obtain his own goals.Calingar turned to Morgone " we have time before the group arrives, let us talk in a more open matter," Calingar said as he sat down on a chair Morgone sighed " fine, what do you want to say to me?" Morgone askedCalingar paused thinking " Do you hate me for taking the throne?" he asked Morgone there was silence Morgone clenched his fist and said " no, I don't hate you, Do I hate father for loving you more than his firstborn. Yes, but he is gone so that does me no good,"Calingar replied, " he gave me the throne because you are still conflicted, you can't decide if you want to help or destroy."Morgone nodded " how can you be sure I will betray you and your trust."Calingar stood up and looked at his brother " because I know you. you would never hurt the family. no matter how much you hated them. Morgone what is your plan?" Morgone looked confused and replied, "What do you mean?" King Calingar put his hand on Morgone shoulder and said: " Are you planning on helping the Six of Legend to defeat this great and unknown evil?"Morgone smiled and replied, " I plan on going on a journey of my own." Morgone paused, Calingar asked Morgone "my brother what kind of journey are you taking?"Morgone replied this is a journey of self-discovery and training my body to the limit and beyond. I will be going to the deepest part of Tylingariea to train ordered out to six to fight this unknown evil that will appear and 10 days That way I will be able to aide them in destroying this evil."Calingar did not believe that Morgone was going to go on a journey of self-discovery, his older brother knew of Kyi and how to harness its power, but he knew not of how to access the realms beyond.This might be because Morgone, is a man of power and seeks the only destination. "I worry about him. If Morgone continues down this road of Darkness, he may never return."secretly Morgone was going to looking for a way to become more powerful.Twenty-two years ago Morgone found an ancient library in the Forgotten Lands that held a scroll with spoke of the Eight Rings of Darkness from long ago during the First Age of Darkness and the prophecy that spoke of a legendary hero who will rise to defeat an ancient evil the one thing that Morgone desires most in the Multiverse is to become the most powerful being in the universe'so Morgones mission is to fulfill this prophecy and collect the rings of darkness then kill the six of legend Morgone said his goodbyes to Calingar and then left to the deepest part of Tylingariea As Morgone was airborne on his huge 12 headed Morgarwartheon Viper Hydra he kicked him and said " go Zorgone to Morphazar