Chapter 27 Vrina the Sea Nymph of the Northern Kings and the Keeper of the third Ring of Light the Ring of Water

As the morning sun rose over the hills Ralingar was sitting at the fire with a skillet cooking a pan of sausage. After a few seconds, the sweet and Adam said: " what is that smell?" Ralingar replied " this is Cha'dukin sausage. "It is a normal breakfast food here." Adam took a bit of the sausage and was amazed the sausage tasted like a chicken, a duck, and pig were ground up and put into one long tube of meat. Ralingar gave the rest of the group a plate of the sausage and said: " we must eat and then leave the Sea of the Northern Kings is not far from here once we reach it we must call upon Vrina the Sea Nymph of the Sea of the Northern Kings." Once they finished eating, they got onto their horses and headed northeast towards the shoreline. Once they reached the shoreline, they saw the most beautiful crystal-clear water that any of them have ever seen. Ralingar got off his horse and walked to the water and then stopped at the shoreline he then stretched his arms and cried out " oh great Vrina Sea Nymph of the Sea of the Northern Kings, Keeper of the Ring of Water and Guardian of the Northern Seas. I require your presence." Once Ralingar finished a vortex opened up in the center of the Sea of the Northern Kings and it got bigger and bigger until after several minutes the vortex rose upward and became a huge tornado of water. As the Water Tornado increased in speed it took the shape of a woman. After a few minutes, the watery woman then morphed into a mermaid. Once the Vortex died down they could see a tall mermaid that had light blue skin and a long blue and green tail. She wore a long flowing dark blue dress that cut at the breasts. Her eyes were torques and the mermaid's hair was a light blue color. Nina asked Ralingar " is that Vrina?" Ralingar replied, " yes it is." Vrina looked at Nina and lifted her hand and then motioned for her to come closer to her. Nina confused asked Ralingar " what does she want me to do?" Ralingar replied, " she is giving you permission to walk upon the Northern seas so they may see her face to face." Nina walked to the sea and turned to Ralingar and asked him skeptically " so do I just walk normally across the Sea to her?" Ralingar replied, " yes you do." So, Nina nervously put one foot on the sea at first she thought that she was going to fall through into the crystal-clear water. But as she walked towards Vrina it was as if she was walking on a pathway. She looked down and saw many different colored fish of all kinds of shapes and sizes some that she had never seen before. As she approached Vrina the Sea Nymph of the Sea of the Northern Kings she was holding the Ring of Water in her outstretched hand. When Nina got to Vrina she said " I have been waiting for you for a long time. It has been my duty to guard the Ring of Water for over ten thousand years." Vrina placed the Ring of Water in Nina's hand and said solemnly " and now I give the Ring of Water to its rightful owner the third of the Six." Nina then put the Ring of Water on as she did huge watery tentacles came out of the water and grabbed her pushing her under the water. From the shore, Luke saw Nina being pushed under the water and cried out "NINA!!!" as Victor, Ralingar, and Adam had to restrain him from jumping into the Sea of the Northern Kings to save her. " Luke for God's sake calm down your sister is alright!" after a few seconds a beam of light shot up out of the sea and Nina came bursting out of the ocean in a watery vortex. Once she walked onto the shore the six saw that Nina's skin was bright blue as well as her hair and her eyes. Once she took the Ring of Water off she returned to normal, but her hair and eyes stayed blueRalingar looked at the map and said " we need to hurry Zargorwarth the Demon Lord has four of the Rings of Darkness and we only have three Rings of Light we might be catching up to him but he is still one ring ahead of us. So, we need to make our way to the Northern Air Temple to find the Ring of Air.