Chapter 5 Adams dream

Adam awoke and found that he was not sleeping in the mattress in the hut that was in the Village of Caltar. But he was laying on his back in a large temple. Adam stood up and looked around and said to himself " this must be a vision of the future." Adam looked up and saw that the temple had no roof. The sky was black as night and all Adam could see were the stars in the sky. Adam looked around and saw a door at the far end of the temple Adam saw no other doors or exits so he walked to the door and entered through it as he entered Adam saw the sky change to blood-red as the planets converge and Zargorwarth was standing on a tower shouting " now it is my time!" Adam watched as a giant hourglass came into focus and Zargorwarth moved thrust his hand upward as he did his fingers shoot forward becoming one with the hourglass. Zargorwarth laughed as he cried out " this world is mine!" as he turned around and thrust his hands down as he did a wave of dark energy generated from his body killing thousands of people. Adam gasped he did not think that Zargorwarth could be that heartless. Then Adam was pulled downward by a red cloak Adam found himself in a pit trapped he looked up and saw a creature that looked like a woman but was made out blood. Adam said to this creature " what are you and why do you hunt me?" the creature looked at Adam then replied, " I have no need to reply to that I only know death and I have to kill you." Adam trying to stall for time and to change the creature's mind " why must you kill me?" Adam gulped and said what might be the stupidest thing to say to a creature that is trying to kill you " can we just be friends?" the creature replied " I know not of friendship I only know death and my should purpose is to end yours!" as she thrust her hand into Adam's chest he woke up with a start and found Kai watching him " you talk in your sleep." Kai said to Adam as she got up Adam told the rest of the group about his dream " Morgone you clever Jackal." Ralingar said under his breath "this is unnerving it would seem that Zargorwarth has a backup plan." Adam asked Ralingar " what is it?" Ralingar replied, " if he does not get to his ultimate form he will use the Universal Alignment to break the barrier between Under-Hell and the Realm of the Living and then use the dark power that chaos will bring to the world to link himself to the Cosmic Hourglass so that he can rewrite reality."The Six had a new reason to train more and to practice their powers. "so, we are all rested, and we have eaten" they all nodded the Six packed up and thanked the Caltarions as they headed out to on their journey. Once they left Ralingar said, " We still have a day's journey before we reach the border of the Nowhere Worlds." What they did not know is that General Zain was planning an Ambush