Chapter 34 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord losses the fifth Dark Ring Fragment

Zargorwarth the Demon Lord and Zain destroyed the Snake Guardians that were protecting the Temple of the Snake Sorcerers. They then made their way down into the Dungan and Zargorwarth grabbed up the Oracle and cried out " where is it?!"the Oracle replied, " I have no idea what you are talking about." This made him madder and slammed the Oracle up against the wall and screamed the "the Dark Ring Fragment! Where is it!"then Zargorwarth punched the Oracle crying out " tell me now. They are planning to destroy it and I will not be able to reach my Ultimate form." The Oracle laughed as blood ran down his face and said: " I don't care!"Zargorwarth screamed and said, " tell me where the last Dark Ring Fragment is, or I will kill you!" the Oracle spat up blood and said weakly " go to Under- Hell!"Zargorwarth kicked him in the chest and Zargorwarth said: " fine I will just have to wipe your brain of all knowledge to see where the last Dark Ring Fragment is."As he put on finger on the Oracle's head this claw implanted itself into Oracle's brain. The Oracle's eyes rolled back in his head as all of his knowledge was being drained from his mind and being transferred into Zargorwarth's mind. After several seconds, the Oracle fell to the floor dead all his brain was gone and know was inside Zargorwarth the Oracle was nothing more than an empty husk. Zargorwarth turned to Zain and said, " We must make our way to the Hill of Jain'gar and stop the Six from destroying my Ring if they do then it will be impossible for me to obtain my Ultimate form." Zain nodded as the exited the temple and headed to the Hill of Jain'gar where the Ruins of the Temple of the Mage Elders so that they could stop the Six from completing the Ring of Blight and then destroying it.