Chapter 1 The Poster

Zargorwarth the Demon Lord stood atop the Ruins of the Temple of the Mage Elders as the fact that his chances of achieving his ultimate form were gone.Zargorwarth let out a cry of anger a dark red aura surrounded him as his Kyi consumed him causing the sky to be lit up with blood-red streaks of lighting as Zargorwarth screamed "AHHHHHAHHHAHHH!" The earth erupted with jets of magma and fire, dark red Kyi surround the region of XinIn an instant there was a bright flash of red piercing light and either region was engulfed in a Death Kyi Beam, towns were wiped off of the map as the beam burst through the earth. Countless creatures were destroyed on content as the condensed Kyi fried their bodies.The beam from the blast reached into space and was so powerful not only did it destroy all seven of Tylingarieas moons causing some of the space rock to crash into the planet but the beam also destroyed eight other planet ten million lightyears away,In Kal'gorrack Calingar saw the bright red beam of Zargorwarth's anger " May Kara help us. If Zargorwarth has become strong enough to wipe out an entire region. May the Over Gods be with you Warrior of Light."Zain gulped and said to Zargorwarth " we do have a backup plan." Zargorwarth the Demon Lord calmed down and said: " yes that is right the plan to use the Universal Alignment to break the barrier between Under-Hell and then link me with the Cosmic Hourglass."Zargorwarth then thinking said " Zain have your men make posters that say the Six of Legend, the Warrior of Light and Ralingar are now fugitives. They are wanted at all cost costs and anyone who helps them will be killed with extreme force! But anyone who turns them in dead or alive will receive a great reward!" Zain replied, " I will get my men right on it sir." Just as Zargorwarth the Demon Lord had requested the Army of Darkness had made up posters and put them up all over TylingarieaZargorwarth the Demon Lord degrees that The Six of Legend, the Warrior of Light, and the middle son of King Raz are now the most wanted fugitives in the whole world of Tylingariea. Those Found helping these fugitives will be killed with extreme force. Anyone who turns in the fugitives will receive a great reward {if they are dead the reward will be doubled}So says the great and powerful Zargorwarth the Demon LordThese posters were placed in every town, village, and Kingdom in Tylingariea and everyone saw the posters including the Red Lady who was passing through the nearby town of Silverhook when she saw the poster with the faces of her targets on it and thought " so Zargorwarth has me chasing a bunch of fugitives now. I don't mind his credits are good, so I don't care" one of her contacts told her that the Six were heading to the Swamps of Balgar so The Red Lady headed towards the Swamps of Balgar.The Six happened to be passing through the forest and towards a nearby village when Ralingar saw one of the posters and stopped them and said in a worried tone " this is bad because we have destroyed the Ring of Blight Zargorwarth had turned the tables and made the whole world believe that were the most wanted fugitives on the planet and if that is not bad enough he has put a price on our heads it is doubled if we are dead and if anyone is found helping us they will be killed with extreme force." Victor said" When we go through this village we should keep a low profile and not drew attain to ourselves." The rest of the group agreed that is a good idea as they drew up their cloaks to hide their identity and walked in towards the Village of Far Branch. As they reached the gateway Jason said quietly " if anyone asks who we are just let me do the talking." They nodded as they headed into the Forest Village of Far Branch