Chapter 16 Adams Vision

The Six had made it halfway to the Realm of Nilgar and the suns were setting so they set up camp and once camp was set up Adam and Kai'la La'gar went into their tent and went to sleep. Once Adam was asleep next to Kai'la La'gar he was sucked into the Dream Plain. Adam awoke finding himself in a large room that had many doors all around the room and a huge beating heart in the center of the room. Adam saw that hooded figures were bowing to the heart Adam was confused but he knew that the beating heart was the symbol for the Bleeding Hearts. As Adam walked closer to the heart he saw a tall figure holding a long bloody scythe. This figure wore a dark red hood and Adam could not see his face. The figure's hands were long and boney. The Figure raised the Scythes and said darkly " I will paint the world charism with the blood of you and your allies! Your bones will ground to dust and a new world will be forged upon your ashes!" The Figure thrust the Scythe into the beating heart as he did the hooded figures looked at Adam their eyes were pure white, and their mouths were wide open as blood was pouring out of their mouths . Adam was horrified at this as he watched the hooded figures turn to dust and Adam saw Calingar his face was in pain thousands of hooks were attached to his body and the bloody scythe was impaled through his chest.Adam screamed as he watched Calingar turn to dust. The Hooded man laughed as he thrust the Scythe into the ground opening at portal Adam then saw the Hooded figures face it was Zargorwarth as Adam was being sucked into a different part of the dream. Adam then found himself on a mountain top and he saw a huge metal monster Adam assumed this to be Zargorwarth and then Adam saw a being of pure light Adam assumed this to be him he watched as the being attacked the metal monster this seemed to do nothing the monster looked at the being and said darkly " if I can't destroy you then I will have to destroy this whole universe and recreate it!"The metal monster formed a giant ball of pure darkness. Adam was then pulled into a third part of the dream by an unknown force Adam then saw a large forest near a destroyed castle that looked like Castle Razoutside of the castle came a figure he could not make out who the figure was because he was clocked in smoke.Meanwhile, Kai'la sat next to Adam his face coated in sweat and tears " I can't lose you too." Kai'la said " I have already lost one person I truly love to sickness,"She placed her hand on a gold ring, "but not you."Adam stood up and saw in front of him Kai'la and himself under a moonlit sky, the ground beneath him turned to cobblestone" you know it to be true Adam, you know she loves you as much as you love her," an unknown voice said Adam turned and saw his wife and Wendy " what are you doing here?"Ava smiled and said, " She wants you back."Adam touched Kai'la he could feel the warmth of her skin " COME BACK TO ME!" Adam heard in the distanceSuddenly Adam awoke sweat dripping from his face Kai'la grabbed him and squeezed him tight.Adam sat up and said, " Kai'la I have to ask you a serious question."Kai'la turned to face Adam "I am listing."Adam paused and cleared his mind, " You may never get this chance again." Adam thought" Kai'la do you like me as a friend or as more than a friend?" Adam saidKai'la sighed and said " Adam, I worry for you. You were sweating and crying out in your sleep. I wanted to help you, but I could not, All I could do was watch you." She bit her lip " watch my second-best friend suffer, I have been through that before. The death of a Lover."She paused her eyes tearing Adam said: " What was his name?" Kai'la was silent for a moment then said " Rune. He died a week before I left Kai."Adam grabbed her hand and said, " I promise I will never leave you." Adam looked at the sun and said: " what time is it?" Kai'la replied, " it is late afternoon." Adam said, " We need to get going." The Six then got on their way to the Realm of Nilgar