Chapter 19 The Forever Tower

As the Six rounded the hill and reached The Forever Tower the Forever reached into the sky the tower looked very old and was made out of ancient-looking stone. Adam felt a cold shiver run down his back and said: "Zargorwarth has followed us here and is right on our tail we need to hurry and climb up this tower."

The Six opened the door and ran inside there was a bolt on the door so once they closed the door they locked the door so that Zargorwarth the Demon Lord could not get inside. As the Six started up the Forever Tower Zargorwarth reached the Tower and looked up at the tower and laughed as he said: " I do not need to climb those stairs to get the Dark Ring Fragment of the Ring of Wrath but they do." Zargorwarth then planted his hands into the earth and focused dark energy into the earth as he did huge black squid tentacles shoot from the earth Zargorwarth pulled his hands out of the earth and flicked his wrist as he did the tentacles all wrapped themselves around the tower

. Zargorwarth let out an evil laugh as he slowly began to close his hand as he did the tentacles began to slowly crush the tower. Luckily the Six had made it to the four hundredth floor but the tentacles had destroyed the stairs going up " were not going to make it!" Jason cried as they embraced being crushed they were teleported to the top of the tower by a magic spell. The Six opened there eyes and found themselves in a black room with an orb, a few chairs, and a silver box.

Standing in the center of the room was an older man wearing a silver rob his facial features were worn with age he had dark blue eyes and his hair was silvery. " our time is short I am the Oracle of the Realm of Nilgar and those tentacles are work of dark magic and are being controlled by Zargorwarth the Demon Lord in an attempt to kill you. For he has found you and wants the Dark Ring Fragment that I have." The Oracle of the Realm of Nilgar paused and said: " the next Dark Ring Fragment is in the Vilongorzariea the Nowhere Worlds Air Kingdom Capital of will be a hard journey to this Air Kingdom Capital but I know that you can do it."

The Oracle said as he gave Ralingar the second Dark Ring Fragment of the Ring of Wrath as he did the floor beneath them began to collapse the Oracle said " I will teleport you to the nearby Kingdom of Mygoreia that is the closest that I can teleport you to the Vilongorzariea the Nowhere Worlds Air Kingdom Capital"

Adam asked the Oracle " what about you how will you leave here?" the Oracle replied, " sadly I will not survive when I die this tower will become nothing so I hope that you can save us all from Zargorwarths evil plot of total reality recreation." The Oracle of the Realm of Nilgar then teleported the Six and Ralingar to the Kingdom of Mygoreia as he did the Oracle of the Realm of Nilgar fell through the floor and died.

Once the Oracle died the Tower collapsed and then turned to ash Zargorwarth walked over to The Oracle of The Realm of Nilgar's lifeless body and said coldly "damn I was hoping that you would have died so quickly. That way I could have at least had to have some fun with you." Zargorwarth crushed the Oracle's head into the earth and said darkly " what a shame you saved the Six and still here you are dead. It is a pity. Oh well, I guess I should make my way to Vilongorzariea I have a Dark Ring Fragment to pick up." Zargorwarth flew into the air and headed to Vilongorzariea the Nowhere Worlds Air Kingdom Capital