Chapter 26 The Six of Legend battle the Giant Dark sand Dragon

As the Giant Dark Sand Dragon stomped towards the Six Adam gasped at the dark power that the creature that was coming towards them had. Adam turned to Nina and said " what do we do? How do we defeat a creature of this size?" Nina looked in her journal and after a minute said: " it says in my journal that if you are ever confronted by a Giant Dark Sand Dragon their weak spot is their lower chest."She looked at the Giant Dark Sand Dragon and said: " this one is much bigger than my journal is describing." The Six leaped out of the way as Giant Dark Sand Dragon let out a beam of Dark Energy when it hit the earth the beam created a ten-foot crater Adam looked at Nina and said " so, hitting the beast in the lower chest will kill him." they dodged another Dark Energy Blast Nina replied " yes I think so there is a fifty percent chance it will work or it will just make him stronger." Adam looked at the creature grimily and said, " I have no other choice then." He turned and looked at Nina and said: "I will attack him from the air with Mariea I need you guys to hold him off until I reach his weak spot." She and the rest of the group nodded as Adam got onto Mariea and flew into the sky Adam watched as the rest of the group attacked the Giant Dark Sand Dragon. The Giant Dark Sand Dragon roared as Kai'la threw a giant rock at him the Giant Dark Sand Dragon then stood up on his hind legs " yes thank you Kai'la this is my chance." Adam thought as he leaped from Mariea towards the Giant Dark Sand Dragon Zargorwarth was watching the whole battle from the sidelines " This is interesting. His tactics seem to evolve after each battle." The Giant Dark Sand Dragon looked Adam as he transformed into his Second Transformation and then pulled out Bailfire and struck The Giant Dark Sand Dragon in the chest. Adam then used a technique that he had been practicing. Adam focused his Kai as he did eyes glowed golden and golden lighting emitted from them Zargorwarth looked at the sky and saw golden lighting flash though the sky destroying the beast in a single blowAs the attack hit Kai'la felt a massive jolt of electricity pulse into her body she tried to speak but her body was numb, she could speak, and nothing worked. She fell backward. Kai'la heard Adam scream her name as he caught her."I can hear you I just can't speak." She thoughtJason. "you know Adam this might be your fault."Adam looked at Jason and said, " what do you mean?"Jason stood up and walked towards him " your Jinji went down just as you shoot that beast with lighting and she is connected to the earth. You probably fried her brains and now she will never wake up or remember who you are."Jason walked closer " not like that matters no one will care what her race is, it will disappear along with her."Jason walked away and said, " honestly I don't know what you saw in her, I am glad she is dead now she can be with her real boyfriend Rune."This made Jason snap before Ralingar could stop him, there was a flash of black lighting, Nina screamed as Jason fell to the ground his right arm severed from his body.Nina stood up and said, " For the Love of Kara will you people Please, keep yourselves calm." She turned to Luke and Ralingar " Get those two away from each other before we have two dead bodies to deal with as well."Nina said as she walked up to Kai'la placing a hand on her body " well I can sense her Life Kyi, so she is alive and it seems like it will take at least a day for the excess Kyi to drain from her body restarting her normal body functions."Nina sighed " until then, we can't do anything, not in the state we are in right now."She looked at the state they were in Jason had one arm, Kai'la was in a Kyi induced coma and Adam was emotionally unstable. The Day turned into night and the group made camp in the battlefield that of the Sea of Sand Adam sat far away looking into the sky, he could not get the feeling of power he felt when he attacked Jason."It felt good, stronger than my golden Lighting" Adam said he paused and hit the earth his eyes tearing up"Damn it all! Jason's right it was my fault." Adams's mind raced " I can't lose her."Mariea walked up next to Adam and put a blanket around him " May I sit and talk to you." Mariea saidAdam nodded Mariea sat down " I can sense that you care much for this Kailengareon." Mariea saidAdam nodded " I do." Adam saidMariea replied " Good, you are not the only one suffering Nina is hurting. Kai'la is her friend, she probably has more respect and love for her then you do. Instead of thinking of how much you are hurting and want Kai'la back, think of Nina who never left Kai'la's side."Adam stood up and said, " thank you."Silently he approached Nina she sat next to Kai'la and reading her journal. Adam sat down " I am sorry I did not think of how you felt." Adam saidNina replied " it is ok. You were upset more than me. She should be better by tomorrow." The next day Kai'la had come out of her coma and was feeling better. Victor had created a cyborg arm for Jason and with the whole group okay again they headed towards the Forest of Night