Chapter 30 Zargorwarth the Demon Lords sneaky plan to follow the Six of Legend

Zargorwarth the Demon Lord saw the Six leave from the field away from the Realm of Nightmares at the sight of this Zargorwarth became enraged and with a mighty scream destroyed the whole Northern Dark Mountains of the Wraith King as he bellowed dark energy erupted from the earth destroying the mountainside

" I will kill them all!" he then looked slyly at where they were going and said " it seems that they are heading to the Shores of Kigarzoriea. I will make myself invisible and then I will follow them to the fifth Dark Ring Fragment of the Ring of Wrath."

Zargorwarth laughed as he cast an invisibility spell on himself and followed the Six to the Shores of Kigarzoriea

Unknown to the Six The Red Lady had been following them and had been tracking them to the Sea of Sand she was ridding a Dragon beast across the Sea of Sand but once she saw the Six head eastward towards the Shores of Kigarzoriea she thought to herself " I will not lose this bounty and I will not let them kill me for I am the Red Lady the greatest Assassin that has ever lived"

Meanwhile back at the Lair of the Bleeding Hearts Bishop was looking at the Blood Orb and cried out " oh my Gods I need to get Kit!" she rushed out of the room and into a long hallway and to the last door where Bishop said to a hooded guard " I need to speak to Kit right away."

The guard replied, " can't do that he has to go into the Blood Pit before the Blood Moon or he will lose his Immortality and I have strict orders to keep everyone even you out." Bishop said " alright fine but tell him that I need to talk to him when he gets out." As Bishop waited for Kit to come out of the Blood Pit to tell him what he saw in the Blood Orb.