Chapter 2 Calingars vision of the future

While the Six were heading the to the Realm of Tygar at the Temple of Light and Darkness Calingar was meditating to get more in tune with the Gods. Calingar was meditating his life force had been draining from him quicker since Zargorwarth had entered the world. Calingar opened his eyes and saw A tall figure with a pair of white wings walked over to Calingar.

" I am Kah'ran the Angel of the Light Guardian and I have been sent by the God of Light himself to tell you that now you are not the last Guardian of Light and this person is the next heir to the Kingdom of Kal'orerack."

Calingar found himself in the Castles throne room and in the center of the room was a large black coffin.

Calingar walked over to the coffin and said to Kah'ran " it has been foreseen by Kal'len'ra Prophet of the End, That darkness will end the last of King Razs kin. Bring the end of days bring us ever closer to the Flashpoint."

Calingar turned to Kah'ran and asked him " the new Guardian of Light is he a Dra'ghoul?" Kah'ran shook his head and said " Not even I know who the new Guardian of Light will become nor if he is from the Dra'ghoul bloodline. What I do know is that the new heir to the throne will be of pure heart and have a good soul."

Calingar smiled and said " well I might let destiny take its course for who ever this new King will be." Calingar was then pulled back to the Realm of the Living and he was glad that the Gods of Light found another Guardian of Light and extended the Spell that protects the Castle Raz so that when he dies his castle will not be destroyed