Chapter 4 The Six of Legend travel towards the Celestial Forest

As the Six traveled towards the Celestial Forest Adam walked up next to Kai'la and asked her " did I really kiss you or was I dreaming about us kissing?" Kai'la did not know how to respond "

Adam knew that she probably did not want to talk to him for a since they kissed.

" But we kissed before. but this time it was not a simple peck it was a long passionate kiss." Kai'la thought. She enjoyed it. It had sealed the deal within her heart that he had felt the same way about her as she did about him.

she breathed in and said to Adam" Yes, we did kiss it was not a dream." She blushed and said shyly " Adam I have a question" Adam replied " Yes?"

Kai'la breathed in and said, " when you said you loved me last night do you mean it or was it the Solar Wine?" Adam then remembered that he did say that he loved her. The group stopped under a large tree and Adam said: " yes I do love you and I hope that you love me as well."

Kai'la La'gar nodded and said " I am glad that you feel the same way" Adam then saw that Ralingar was alone " I need to talk to Ralingar." Adam said to Kai'la nodded.

Adam kissed her as he left to and speak with Ralingar about what the God of Light had told him. Adam walked over to Ralingar he was standing next to brock

Adam said to Ralingar " We need to talk." Ralingar motioned to a stump and he sat down and Ralingar said: " what do we need to talk about?" Adam said quietly " I was visited by the God of Light and he told me that I was to be the next Guardian of Light after Calingar died at the hands of Zargorwarth the Demon Lord."

Ralingar was silent for a few moments absorbing all of this information that he was just given when he spoke his voice was full of rage " why the Under-Hell would my own brother kill his own kin! What does he gain from that!" Ralingar cooled down and said in a calmer voice " if Bowron the God of Light believes that a Terrain should be the next Guardian of Light then I find no reason to argue with his decision."

Adam and Ralingar walked back to the rest of the group and Ralingar said: " We are close to the Celestial Forest it is half a day's journey from here." As Ralingar then lead them towards the Celestial Forest Kit the Supreme Leader of the Bleeding Hearts was watching them plotting a sinister plot to end the lives of the Six, Ralingar, Mariea, and The Red Lady.