Chapter 10 The Six of Legend journey to the Kingdom of Oremossshoe to find out more about the Monkey King and his servants the Monkey Men

As Mariea flew the Six westward away from the Castle of Taygar and the Realm of Tygar Adam looked down at the world and saw that the world was coming apart. Trendiness earthquakes were causing mountains to fall into rubble. Mariea turned as a huge jet of molten lava jetted from the earth as Mariea passed over a city and all of the people were running out of the entrance as the city was sinking into the ground Adam knew that he had to hurry to find the rest of the Dark Ring Fragments of the Ring of the Pure Evil and then destroy it and stop Zargorwarth the Demon Lord from linking to the Cosmic Hourglass and rewriting reality in his own image Mariea landed by a densely wooded forest and said to the Six weakly breathing heavily

" This is as far as I can fly to the City of Oremossshoe it is not far away you will have to walk the rest of the way." Ralingar put his hand on Mariea shoulder and asked her " do you need us to wait for you?" Mariea shook her head and said, " no I will be fine I can lead you to the City of Oremossshoe." The Six followed Mariea through the forest that had many different colored leaves like blue, black, silver, and violet. Mariea lead the Six into a large open area that had a large cobblestone bridge with a wooden gateway that read " this is the entryway to the Kingdom of Oremossshoe ruled by King Mingkai"

as the Six finished reading this Adam asked Mariea " who are we seeing in this Kingdom about the origin of the Monkey King and his Monkey Men?" Mariea replied to Adam " the person that we are going to see is King Mingkai himself." With that in mind, the Six walked across the bridge and into the Kingdom of Oremossshoe