Chapter 35 The Six and the Red Lady battle the Elites at the foot of the Demon Mountains of Valegorzar

As Mariea was flying northward to the Demon Mountains of Valegorzar the Six were silent they knew this was there last chance to get the final Dark Ring Fragment before Zargorwarth the Demon Lord. It was noontime when they reached a ridge of tall mountains Mariea flew towards the tallest mountain Dusk said to the Six " the mountain that they were heading towards is easier to climb because of the Staircase of Valegor that leads to top Demon Mountain of Valegorzar Mariea landed beginning at the Staircase of Valegor.

When the Six got off of Mariea Adam drew his sword and leaped up into the air and jumped behind the rest of the six turned around and saw Black Lion charging towards them Adam then came down on Black Lion embedding his sword into Black Lion's head as Black Lion fell to the ground Shadowblade emerged from the shadows clapping slowly " we meet again Adam Jackson and it seems that this might be our final battle together." He then motioned for the rest of the Elites to attack out of the shadows the Red Lady approached Adam and said: " you go and help your friends Shadowblade is mine!"

Adam nodded The Red Lady drew her blade and Adam joined his friends in the battle against that rest of the Elites Shadowblade laughed at The Red Lady " you think that you can defeat me, girl!" The Red Lady nodded and said, " yes I do." In the blink of an eye she thrust her sword into Shadowblade's heart and he did not have time to react as the cold Dragon Skin pierced his heart Shadowblade looked at her in shock as she looked back at him with a cold and steely gaze as he fell to the ground. The Red Lady turned around and saw that the rest of the Elites were defeated and the Six were on there way to the top of the Demon Mountain of Valegorzar to the get the last Dark Ring Fragment of the Ring of Pure Evil before Zargorwarth the Demon Lord