Chapter 10 Malgar the Boatman takes The Six down the River of the Long Forgotten

Once Malgar the Boatman finished he said: " so to this day I have not seen my brother all I can do is take people to his domain I can never set foot in the Forest of the Dead." The Six were speechless Malgar then said: " We are approaching the River of the Long-Forgotten."

As he turned out of the Blood-red water and down a jet black river " this river will take you to the Shore of Nevermore." Adam asked Malgar the Boatman " are you going to take us to the Shore of Nevermore?" Malgar the Boatman replied, " I will but that is as far as I can go." The Six were silent for a while Malgar the Boatman lead them down the River of the Long-Forgotten Malgar then said: " be wary the rest of your journey is not for the faint of heart." Adam then heard screams of pain coming from the river Adam looked down and saw that there were souls trapped in the water moaning in loud pained voices " save me! why did you leave me! help me!" they were gasping long bonny hands

Malgar said to Adam without turning around " I would not go too far into the water those are the souls who have been left behind and are cursed to never leave this plain and are exiled to live out the rest of there endless existence inter-dimensional limbo never to see the dark depths of Under-Hell or to seek the great joy of going through the pearly gates of Over-Heaven."

Adam stepped back and saw that the river was surrounded by thick vines the future that Malgar took them down the River of the Long-Forgotten the vines got thinner until Malgar the Boatman stopped at a dock that was placed at a large sandy beach Malgar said to the Six " this is the Shore of Nevermore this is as far as I can go I can go no further with you." Malgar pointed northward and said, " you must travel northward from here and there you will reach the Gateway of Death that is the entrance of the Gateway of the Forest of the Dead."

The Six got off the Boat and saw for the first time Malgars face his eyes were two empty sockets and his whole face was a skeleton. Before Malgar left he said " I must tell you that my brother knows everything and expected your coming. I wish you the best of luck." Adam asked Malgar a question before he left " does everyone that dies come here before they die even if they come from Terra?" Malgar the Boatman replied " as far as I know all who die from every planet and reality are brought here until they are taken to Over-Heaven and Under-Hell. I would ask my brother."

Then Malgar the Boatman asked Adam " why do you ask?" Adam replied, " because I want to know if my daughter is still alive." Malgar then gave Ralingar a medium-sized pouch this pouch was the color of rusted leather Ralingar asked Malgar " what is this?" Malgar replied "this is a magical pouch that I put a spell on it will never run out of Credit"

Ralingar looked in the pouch and saw that the pouch was full of credits and it never seemed to end. "you will never have to worry about money ever again that pouch will give you all the money that you will ever need until the end of time." Malgar the Boatman then said, " I must be going may Kara guide your path in your final leg of your journey."

Malgar the Boatman then left for the Blood Docks. After a few seconds of silence, Adam said: " We have to go we have no time to waste." This was true they had no time to waste not only this world was at stake but all reality was at stake so the Six headed northwards to the Gateway of Death.