Chapter 24 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord’s Fourth Transformation

As Zargorwarth concerted his Dark Kai red lighting swirled all around him as he rose up in a powerful vortex of darkness, blood-red lighting, dark green lighting, and bright purple lighting flashed in the sky as the tower quaked as Zargorwarth the Demon Lord transformed his sword was now embedded into his right arm. Zargorwarth's shoulders now had huge bonny armor plates that covered his arm all the way up to his hands with were long and sword-like.

He had a long reptilian-like tail that extended from his back and long bonny spikes jetted out of his back. Zargorwarth's face was now shielded by a large faceplate that was embedded into his skin. Zargorwarths muscles grew larger as he landed he was over fifteen feet tall he looked at Adam and said in a dark and smooth voice " this is my Forth Transformation. I can sense your fear. I bet you can only imagine the horrors that await you once I am in my True Form!" Adam was a bit scared but he knew that if he could conquer up more Kai then he could achieve the imposable he could go beyond his True Form. Zargorwarth the Demon Lord looked at Adam and said: " now be ready to wittiness my True Form." Zargorwarth the Demon Lord lifted his arms and cried out "you should be honored you will be the first to wittiness the terrifying power of my True Form!!"