
A wince escaped from Joanna's lips when she tried t struggle against the bindings that bit into skin. She was seated on the cold and hard ground. Turning her head, she could see wild orchids. There were only one place in Steria Duchy where orchids grew.

This was enough for her to understand her location.

Beside her was Adrian. The boy made no movements and stared at the flowers silently. The sight of vin being still irritated her.

"You are not going to get them undone in this way," Adrian informed.

Both of their hands and legs were tied together by rope. It had been that way since they had woken up, and they have yet to spot another soul there. The kidnapper had most likely dropped them on the fields and left.

"So, we sit around and do nothing. Whoever brought us here will be returning soon, and we should try to escape before that, Idiot! Who knows what will happen then?" Joanna was on the verge of breaking down.