Red like a tomato

"What are you doing here?" Their principal shouted at them from behind. He was angry seeing both of them still on the school gate while the school will start in a few minutes. Sarael looked towards the principal on hearing his voice, she bowed and ran towards her class. Misty also followed her knowing how strict their principal is. They directly stopped in front of their classroom. They both were breathing heavily from running so fast.

"What are you two doing here?" A voice from behind questioned them; they looked back on over hearing the voice from behind. It was her brother who just came to give Sarael her notebook, she left at home.

Misty spooked on seeing him there, she took some steps back. Seeing her going far from him, he felt a little bad but he didn't want to show. He just gave Sarael her notebook and looked as if she didn't care about Misty, Sarael that they both like each other and she didn't want to be the third person between them.

"You two can talk, I have something to do." Saying that she ran inside her classroom. Misty was about to stop her from leaving her there but Harry, her brother stopped her. She got scared that he may do something to her for being friends with Sarael.

She took some step back until she was pinned to the wall, in fear she closed her eyes, waiting for him to say something.

"Why are you so scared of me?" Harry asked in a caring voice. He had a hint on his voice.

Misty was shocked on hearing that, she thought he would warn her to not to stay with Sarael because of him but he just asked completely opposite of what she expected.

She wanted to explain but what she should say is that she loves him and she was just shocked on seeing him there suddenly.

"I.. I.." Misty tried to explain that she was not scared; it was just that she was a bit surprised seeing him there.

"What are you two doing?" Their homeroom teacher asked after seeing them both like that. Both Misty and Harry looked towards the teacher; Misty pushed him away and ran to her class. Harry rubbed the back of his neck; thinking about how to explain it. He forgot that it was school," Something went into her eyes so I was just helping her." Harry lied.

The teacher didn't believe it but considering that both are good students and one belongs from a wealthy family, she didn't want to make things bad for her.

She nodded and went inside the class, Harry sighed in relief. It was a close call; but he was upset he didn't know the answer from her. He wanted to know about it but she ran away before that. He also left in a sour mood.

Sarael shows Misty red like a tomato, when she comes inside. She was thinking about what they did that Misty was so embarrassed. Did they kiss or hug? She wanted to ask but their homeroom teacher came in just then. She didn't get the chance to ask, she should ask her later.

Her teacher announced that someone else was also joining them for the speech and it was Israel's idol brother, Sebastian.

Sarael felt her heart thumping when she heard the name, his face came to her mind directly.

"Was that him?" Sarael asked herself. Her heart was beating rapidly thinking about him. She smiled on thinking about him, a hint of joy was shown in her eyes with a tint of love.

She can't wait to see him, "Sarael" her teacher called her just then. Sarael got shocked, she stood up from her seat thinking that she did something wrong.

Everyone in the class laughed at her on seeing her so scared; her teacher sighed,"I just wanted to say that you will have to say a few words at the end." Her teacher said.She felt relieved that it was not something else, she sat down.

They all went to the hall afterwards, she was excited and also nervous. She will meet her idol for the first time, and him. She can't wait to meet them, she sat on the second row since the first row was for the teacher and guest.

Misty sat beside her and she saw how nervous she was; as if it was not a speech but her entrance results. Misty laughed at that but Sarael glared at her warning her not to laugh.

Soon both of them entered who she wanted to see, it was her idol, Sameulson and Sebastian. Her heart started racing seeing them, both of them were handsome; they were God's from heaven.

'How can someone be so good looking?' Sarael thought. Even her brother's looks are nothing compared to them. They can make any girl go crazy for her, she was not an exception.

Their principal showed the way to them, and consequently Sebastian sat in front of her. Seeing him sitting in front of him, she even forgot to breathe. She can't stop herself from looking at him.

Misty showed her, she asked her if she was okay. Her face was all red and she was sweating even though it was not hot. Misty started to get worried about her. Sarael nodded that she was okay. She didn't dare to speak in front of him even though she wanted her voice was not going to come out. She just signaled that she was okay.