True identity

Jennifer caught her collar, and was about to slap her, when Sarael removed her hand from her collar and pushed her back harshly. Jennifer fell down on the ground because of her push.

Everyone there was surprised, Jennifer was on the floor. Few minutes ago they saw Sarael getting bullied by Jason and she didn't say anything at that time but now she dared enough to mess with Jennifer.

Sarael was not someone who was easy to mess with, but she was also not someone who will fight with others. She wanted to stay away from those most of the time but someone is picking on her without any mistakes, she will not tolerate it.

Jennifer became more furious after how she was treated by her, she got up from the floor and was about to slap when someone caught her hands. It was someone she had never seen.

He looked like Sarael but she never knew who he was. She felt that she had met him but who was he. He looks so similar to her. Seeing him, she remembered her real brother who went missing after her parents death.

He was abroad when the incident with her parents took place but when police tried to look for her brother, he was missing. She came to know, her brother always lied to her parents about going to expensive schools abroad and doing well.

She hated her brother after knowing what he did to her and her parents but yes, she wanted to meet him once and ask him why he did that? Why did he lie to his own family but she never met him again and she already removed his existence from her memory.

But after seeing that man, she remembered about him. Her real brother looks like him if he was there but she knows it's not going to be him. Her brother left her and he was never going to come back.

"I am extremely sorry for what my sister did to you. I hope you can forgive him." The man asked for forgiveness from Sarael. Sarael can't say anything before that man took away Jennifer with him.

Sarael wanted to ask his name but couldn't. Sarael didn't want to get more attention from others so she went towards her room.

She opened the door of her dorm, it was extremely opposite of what she thought. It was luxurious and spacious. It even had a kitchen attached. She looked again at room number thinking that she came to the wrong one but it was not. It was actually her room.

The things in the room were exactly of her choice, the bed was in the middle and opposite to it was her study place and on right side a window giving her the view of Sebastian's place and beside it was dressing room and cupboard to keep her clothes and next to it was the kitchen with refrigerator and oven attached.

And across was her bathroom, she went inside and was amazed. It had a bathtub and shower and also a washing machine. She thought there was one washing machine for the whole floor. The room was better than what she thought before opening the door of her room. It was a single dorm so it was only her. She was not that rich, and she never thought that the students with scholarships were treated like that. But she was so good and luxurious without doing anything. Why not enjoy it instead of thinking why?

She put her things on the cupboard and went to the bathroom to freshen up. She had enough of today. First she came and was slapped by someone unknown and then she was kissed by Sebastian in front of all and that was not enough she was pulled over to that villa and she was embarrassed and what more someone who is completely unknown to her and wanted to bully her. She started in such an interesting way on the first day. She was not sure what would happen later. She tried to relax herself, thinking not about the future.

Jennifer was taken away by him to a corner. "Stop pulling me, you are just my adopted brother." Jennifer said, removing his hands from her wrist. She wanted to teach Sarael a lesson for what she did but at the same time her adopted brother came.

"I know I am adopted,but grandfather told me to take care of you and I will follow his order." Vincent tried to explain her but Jennifer was not at all interested in his words. She ignored him and went towards her car. For Jennifer, Vincent was just a slave with the title of adopted son of her family. He was just like a bodyguard who was there to do her work.

Vincent was adopted by her grandfather when she was four years old; it was immediately after her brother's death. She never hated him but she can't accept him instead of her brother also. She was treated as a slave from childhood and even her family shows that they never said anything to her.

Being a spoiled princess of the Lu family her life was always like that, if she never cared about others feelings, they were never important to her until she felt happy she would do it no matter how much the other person was hurt and Vincent was one of them, who was her punching bag, whenever she felt angry he will burst on him if there was no one she could bully.

Vincent had gotten used to her behavior, he was around eight years old when he first met her. Vincent had an accident and forgot about his past because of that and he was grateful that Jennifer's grandfather adopted him without knowing about his identity and treated him like his family.

He would have never accepted her behavior if it was not for that, he was just trying to pay back for the gratefulness of them and because of it he even forgot about his true identity, he forgot to find his whereabouts.