The devil

Long ago, there lived a devil. People feared him, they planned many times to kill him but every time they failed to kill him. After failing once again, the villager holds a meeting to find new ways to kill him. Then a young girl at the age of 17, got up saying she knows how to kill him.

Villagers didn't take her words seriously and brushed off her words as a joke but the girl was determined. That night when everyone was asleep. In the stillness of the night, she walked towards the castle where the devil resides.

The petite figure of the girl walked up to the huge doors of the castle, her heart shook in fear but didn't stop her from knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" A hoarse voice shouted from inside. The girl trembled to hear that voice but she gathered courage and replied, "I am a traveler and I lost my way. Can I take shelter here for a night?" She asked politely, not giving them a hint of her lies.

Slowly the door opened, an old man in his fifties peeked at her from behind the door. He saw the blonde, fair girl standing there with no weapons. At first, didn't want to let her in, afraid she was sent by those villagers to kill his master but then a cold voice came from inside.

"Caster, let her in. It's just a girl." On hearing this master's command. Caster finally opened the door and let her in. It was a dark hallway, with huge columns going to the ceiling.

Caster asked her to follow him and the girl did exactly what he said. He took her into a room with a fireplace and a dining table.

The stillness and darkness of the castle give the vibe of coldness. The coldness of an unloved one.

On a couch facing towards the fireplace, there was sitting a figure whose shadow was imprinted on the wall beside him. The girl hesitated to talk over to him. Her heart was beating crazily.

Caster went up and bowed beside the couch. Caster looked around to find her, he saw her standing far, deep in her thoughts. Caster waved towards her to call her. On noticing him, she walked up to the couch. She can't help herself but gasp in shock. Half of his face had a burn mark, his cold brown eyes looked like dead. He was not a devil, he just had an ugly face.

The guy scoffed and got up, "Are you not here to kill me?" He asked her while walking towards her. The girl started to tremble on knowing he found out. She stepped back in fear.

"W-what… do you… mean?" She shuddered as she tried to ask him back. His brown eyes turned golden as he got close. The girl tried to run faster but she hit on the arm of the sofa and fell onto the soft cushion. When she opened her eyes, he was above her, her hands pinned above her head by one of his giant hands.

He trailed his finger down through her face, she hated it but she can't do anything except silently closing her and hoping he does nothing to her, he scoffed seeing her being so scared, he moved his finger lower to her collarbone, and hold on the pendant she was wearing and yanked it away. It had a small bottle attached to it with some fluid in it.

The girl realizes what he did, she opens her eyes to find him looking at the bottle. She knows it's the end. He will find out everything.

"Give it back." She struggled but it didn't help, he got up and walked back to his couch.

The girl got up and tried to walk towards him. Until then he already opened the bottle and took a sniff and scoffed, "It's hemlock, right?" He asked, making her tremble in fear, how can he find out so easily. Carter looked at her in surprise.

"What's your name?" He asked.

She didn't want to tell but it's better she does, "V-valerie." She replied back. And before any more questions, he looked up at Caster, "lock her up in the room."