You like Sebastian

Sarael scoffed at hearing him. He thought she was that easy to be bullied. She snapped away from his hand from her hair.

"Just come to the point. What do you want?" Sarael asked him bluntly, crossing her arm around her chest.

Jacob stopped teasing him, he moved back putting his hands in the air as a sign of surrender. He walked backward and sat down in the bed.

"I heard you like Sebastian." Jacob stopped messing around and seriously questioned her. Sarael remained there thinking how to reply to him.

Yes, she likes him. She liked him from the first time she saw her. Her heart was no longer hers, he stole it. But no matter how much she likes him; in this life, she and he can never be together neither in the next nor later. This love of her will never be fulfilled.

"I don't." Sarael put on a tough face and answered him back. Whatever she feels he has nothing to do with it, it's her problem, he didn't have to care.

Jacob sneered on hearing her. Sarael didn't get good vibes from his sneer, she felt like new trouble was coming.

Jacob took out his phone and put it near his ear, "You heard her right?" Jacob got up and walked a bit forward and continued speaking to the person he was on call," She said no." Jacob looked towards Sarael and gave a smug face.

"I did hear." A familiar voice answered from the entrance, catching Sarael's attention. Jacob looked towards the door, smirking and walking close to Jennifer, who was standing at the door, one hand holding her phone.

Sarael finally understood her instinct. The warning sign her brain was giving was Jennifer. She has no energy to mess with them now but she has to.

She was getting tangled in this play more and more, even though she decided to move on and her life will never go back to the old one. The peace is gone, just for a guy. She lost her peaceful life.

Sarael can't hold back her laughter seeing how messy her life is becoming. A love for someone brings so many consequences. Just a feeling. If this is a dream she never wants to dream again.

Both Jennifer and Jacob were dumbfounded by her act. Was she drunk or crazy? They look at each other curious about what's wrong with her and then look back at Sarael.

Jacob gulped his saliva, and got up and scoffed trying to act brave, he went closer to her.

"Are you going crazy?" Jacob asked, grabbing her chin. Sarael stopped laughing about being touched. She looked at him, her eyes filled with disdain and sadness, a tear rolled down her cheeks.

She grabbed onto his wrist and forcefully moved it away, her eyes cold and emotionless, "Yes, very." She slowly opened her mouth and replied back.

Jacob was flabbergasted with her honest reply, she sure surprises them a lot. He couldn't help but chuckle at her words. He looks back and yanks her hair violently making her face wince in pain.

"You think you are smart huh?" He asked, glaring at her and lightly slapping her cheeks. Sarael didn't say much, her eyes stare back at him with no fear or emotions. Jacob was a bit scared by her glaring, she looked like a corpse but Jacob tried to keep his nerves calm since Jennifer was watching him and he didn't want to make a bad impression.

Sarael let out cold laughter seeing how much he was scared yet trying to act tough. He reminds her of a turtle, the hard shell was only for the show if that is removed there is nothing but a cowardly guy who is helpless.

Sarael slowly pushes him away and stomps at his feet making him feel the pain she felt. She kicked at his knee making him kneel while he was distracted by the pain in his feet.

Sarael didn't stop at that after making him kneel, she grabbed his hair and made him look at her, "That's how you feel when you make others in pain." Sarael made him feel the same what he used to do to others, all those people who he bullied had felt the same humiliation when he asked them to beg him. He was no better than them but they just didn't have the same money as their parents. What was special in him? Nothing.

He didn't bully because he thought he was better but didn't want to accept that he was nothing in front of those students who came here with their potential, not with their parent's money.

Jacob didn't say anything after hearing her, nor rebel, somewhere he knew what he was doing was not right but didn't want to acknowledge it, his ego and pride never let him to.

Sarael let go of his hair knowing he regrets his mistake and turned around in hopes that he will rectify it. But as soon as she moved, she was hit on her head by a vase held by Jennifer.

Sarael falls to the ground not thinking she will be attacked like this. When Sarael was busy teaching Jacob. Jennifer sneakily grabbed the flower vase near the bed and at the right time hit her.