Grasshoppers and ants

He tried to leave before finishing his lines, as soon as he turned back to leave. Yvonne grabbed his arm and twisted it. "Otherwise what?" Yvonne raised her brow, twisting his arm harder. Ash groaned in pain. 

He never imagined that she had such strength. He tried to break free from her grip, but she was way stronger than him. The guy who went to the gym for straight three years and was bulkier than her yet still defeated by a petite woman. 

Yvonne went close to him and 2hispered in his ears, "Stop being a sexist. We are still weak." After completing her words, she let go of him and left him alone. Ash hissed in fury, it was nothing but an embarrassment to him. How can she still act all high and mighty? 

Ash started to feel aversion towards her. If he had a chance he would be the first to kill her. She gets on his nerves. 
