Goodbye, my love.

A soft whimper left her mouth. She couldn't take it anymore, everything was insane. How could the last time they talk be her telling him to leave? She really took him for granted. 

Hearing her whimpers, her mother opened the door and came in. Her mother saw Sarael totally in tears. 

"Honey…" her mother walked closer holding her in her arms. Sarael wrapped around her mother's hip, breaking down into tears.

"Don't you hate me, mom?" Sarael muttered under her breath. 

"No! Of course, not honey. Why would you think that? " Her mother looked at her in shock.

Sarael didn't respond to her. She didn't understand why her mother wouldn't hate her? She was responsible for the death of her only son. She should hate her, curse her, blame her yet she was her, protecting her, soothing her.