There is a way

Sarael was left dumbfounded by his sudden news, she looked at him perplexed. Unable to process what he said just now. She got up immediately, putting away the first aid. 

"W—What do you mean?" Her voices quavered a bit. Her nails digging into her palms. Sarael was trying her very best to not break down. No, she shouldn't. 

Brother? How is he a brother? For all these years he never thought of contacting her, and brother? How is that a brother? When she needed him most he never appeared, not even on their own parents funeral.

"Your actual brother." Harry repeated his words. He clearly notice the change of expressions, Harry had somewhat expected it but it was way worse than what he expected. 

Sarael let out a cold laugh, to stop her tears from falling. She looked up at the ceiling to hide her tears from Harry and rubbed away the little spill.