Fulfiling the duties (smut)

15th April 1574

As soon as I fully immersed myself in Elia's flesh, both her legs and arms wrapped themselves around me, locking me in place. Held tightly close to her body, I could only enjoy the feeling of her skin rubbing against mine and run my hands around her entire figure, yet I wasn't able to do the one thing required to really fulfil my duty!

"Just stay like that for a moment…"

Hearing her request, spoken in her lovely, soft voice, rather than struggling to free myself from her hold and continue, I relaxed my body, pinning her down to the ground and moving my lips over her mouth only to immerse ourselves in yet another, long kiss.

While it wasn't our first time, nor the first attempt to enjoy ourselves while drunk, I could feel Elia's entire body trembling, as if just plunging into her depths was enough to bring her to the bring of climax after all the teasing, kisses and expectation that lead us to this situation.

"Do you remember my promise?"