Atmospheric Steam Engine

17th April 1574

"Let the feast begin!"

Despite quite a lot of the guests still travelling with their more extensive luggage and entourage, as soon as I got back to the Tarnow with Elia and just a few of my trusty retainers, I rushed towards the town centre to announce the start of the fest.

Rather than trying to make them skip the fun, I simply wanted to save them the trouble of dealing with the official part that unofficially most of the nobles simply despised, yet did their best to uphold due to the nature of their social standing.

With the new batch of my premium beer instantly delivered to both the town centre where the higher social circles would have their town and in lesser quantity to the commoner's ground, so that even the poor part of my subjects would have the chance to revel in the luxury of normally only applicable to the lives of the nobles.