Unexpected behaviour

24th April 1574

While in itself this was a good message, I felt like if God decided that everything would now pile up on my head just for the sake of making me unable to go and see how would my damned creation work!

But this matter was too important to ignore, as depending on how big their haul was, I would have to adjust the size of the first blast furnace that we would build in order to smelt it all.

And to make matters even more surprising, before even a single man managed to come out of the mine, two barges reached the shore to the equal surprise of their crews and my men watching them with utmost curiosity.

Only when a few moments later, as if following some kind of divine clock, the first batch of dirty men started to come out of the entrance sheds did I realise why did those barges arrive in almost a perfectly synchronised manner to the miners coming out.

"That was a long week!"