New type of gold

24th April 1574

"Are you by any chance going to sail to the Sandomir right now?"

After approaching the merchant barge that brough a new group of miners to the work and was initially going to get the ore back to the city where it would be smelted, was now forced to go back empty-handed due to my own shenanigans. While others might feel awkward to propose them any trade right after depriving them of the business they most likely were doing on the weekly basis, as long as I could offer them anything of value, they would most likely agree in hopes of recouping the losses.

"Well, we were going to, but due to the miners suddenly abolishing the deal we had ever since this mine was established, we will have to sail somewhere else."

Shrugging his arms, one of the merchants approached the edge of the ship and replied, while not even trying to hide his annoyance at the situation. To be honest, I couldn't really blame him as I was the one responsible for his loss!