Tour with Elia

29th April 1574

"This one looks awesome, but to be completely honest, it's already obsolete. Unless we find ourselves in need for some liquid pump, I don't think we will ever use this design again."

Holding Elia by her waist, I slowly moved around the place, showcasing everything that we did here ever since my arrival. Since some of the stuff was quite complicated to understand, I decided to go by the order of production rather than the importance, to let her see how this entire place grew from just an open space near the mines to the most industrialised area in the entire world!

"And how does this even work? Like, I can see that it has something to do with that big furnace at the bottom… But if it really was as hard to make as I can judge from your proud expression it was, wouldn't it be easier to just use waterwheel to make this wheel spin?"