Meeting (part 2)

8th May 1574

"This town lies within the province that I'm the governor off. As you ruled over it previously, you should know that getting crown's approval is just an annoying formality, left after the ancient times!"

In an instant, Jan took over the entire discussion sending hate-filled looks towards Peter. Since I had no idea what they were talking about as the details of governing the province wasn't something that I could learn from history books or games I played, I could only sit and watch as they argued amongst each other.

"But it's still a requirement! Now, are you going to play tough, or should I revoke all the decisions made in this document?"

Hearing those words, the atmosphere in the room suddenly turned tense. If Bart's name got cleaned of infamy and his banishment revoked, that would basically mean war! And not one between him and my like it happened before, but between me and the entire Zboros family!