Comming back to one's senses

15th July 1574

"Fuck… It can't be happening all at once…"

Hearing Kalen's words, for the first time since I was moved to this timeline, I realised what pressure of being a lord meant. Should I prioritise the safety of the entire country over my own lands and subjects? Or should I just ignore the greater picture for now and make sure to secure my own power base?

Even if I were to go with the second option, should I ignore Tarnow and protect the main source of my power, the mining town? Or maybe pull all available troops away and rush to help lift the siege? How about splitting the forces to both have someone protect industrial areas and have something to fight with?

Overwhelmed with the insane number of possible choices that I had to choose from while knowing that every single decision of mine would result in the cost in human life, I could only rest my bottom against the railing on the boat as I immersed myself in thoughts.