Opposite ends

21st July 1574

"Are you sure it was a good idea?"

Sitting in front of the fireplace with a small sausage nailed on top of a pointy stick, I watched the drops of fat appear on its surface only to fall down into the flames and turn into smoke with a quick whizzing sound.

"It's not like we had anything better we could do. If I dared to face against the punitive army, that alone would make me a rebel, even if everything prior to that was nothing but a bunch of lies."

Seeing that my sausage was finally in the perfect state, I raised the stake in my hand while grabbing a freshly baked bun to my other hand. Tearing the small piece of bread almost in half, I allowed the stick to slide down to the ground before I could grasp it near the sausage enough to be able to precisely control its position.