Matsu and Mansion

28th July 1574

"So, how did you get here in the first place? When I learned about Tarnow being put under siege, I was almost completely certain that you would be cooped up in the castle!"

Standing in front of the thin yet still somehow busty girl, I couldn't help but sigh the air out of my lungs with relief. To think that one of the sources of my greatest worry would be all safe and sound felt as if a huge burden was taken off my back.

"It's quite simple. With nothing to do in Tarnow about two days before the invasion started, I moved some of our brewery and construction workers along with several managers to the mining town, hoping to diversify the production. I'm not going to lie, the news about the possible invasion scared me a bit, but the main point of my actions was to avoid our main cash product being completely lost during the course of the enemy aggression. I'm sorry for overstepping my bounds!"