Henry's Reveal

3rd August 1574

"First of all, to not put you in a tough spot. Every single development officer will be granted a preferential treatment during the sale of the inner city houses, allowing all of you guys to become the proper citizens in one instant. As for the rest of the workers, as long as they will continue to pay their respective rents for the shared housing, they will get the right to own their parts of the shared house, earning themselves the citizenship as well!"

The main idea behind the laws that I wanted to introduce was to prompt everyone to focus on working as hard as they could, with the promise of a better life just within their reach. For the people that were mostly locked to remain in the same social class as they were born with, openly giving them the chance to advance was already unheard off, yet when the fact that I was actively promoting the ongoing recrutation for both the army and the workers all the time…