Round-table meeting

14th September 1574

"This is bullshit!"

Sitting down in a special chamber that the senate prepared for us, I could see the other candidates finally speaking up. 

"Why should we risk getting the crown if, in the end, it would ultimately bury our families? How are we expected to get the support from the rest of our household for that?!"

Looking to my side, I could see one of the youngest participants in the royal election. His face all in red, his fist clinging down on the edge of the table… Rather than answering his dumb question, I simply reached for the cup with my own beer that already became the luxury drink of the capital before taking a small sip of it.

"On the other hand, who could've thought that we would get the chance to become the king? Anyway, it's nice to meet you guys. I'm Jan Ossolin, of the Axe crest. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, sir Mike. My father told me a lot about your exploits already!"