one more day passed very fast. most of the villagers built a temporary tent for them .every one started the groundwork for their future home. acoording to Joseph most of them planning to build a bigger house than before. this already shows their hope towards a new village. they know their house never destroyed by animals like before.

unlike others, hari felt like years .he checked countdown every few minutes. he even wakes up every half hour just to check countdown still working. he doesn't know how he makes it until morning.

"hari, why are you tired in the morning. did you find any girl you like"

"no... no... brother Joseph. who would love a complete stranger. i only here only around month.i only know our brother hunters"

" do you need any help from me. a lot of girls interested in our 'hero'."

"no brother Joseph. i am still young when I am ready I will definitely ask help from you"

"ok, then I am going. I need some woods for my house"

most of the villagers are started to get busy even children like joan helping their family. hari still felt he was weaker than joan. time started to flow slowly again. atlast it's getting near.hari's heart started to get beat faster.






"ehh.. where?"

"where is my reward?"

"where is my guild building"

hari felt panicked when he didn't get any reward.he even went to a distant place to get the reward without any flashy experience but instead of flashy light he didn't even get any fly.

when hari started to get distrust he felt something pulling his heart. hari saw anything around. but hari decided to follow his will. after some time he reached the same place where the village getting build.

"why I am here my reward delivered to the place where I complete my quest"

hari went there. he still found nothing. that time he felt pulling one more time. when he looked at that side he only saw the majestic nirvana mountain.

"Why I didn't think before. they transferred me into nirvana Mountain.then my reward will be there "

hari started to run towards Mountain like madman.when seeing his creepy smile people started to give him away.

" Brother Joseph, brother hari become mad"


"in morning hari went to the forest and came back after an hour. then he started to murmuring something like something bad happens to him.after a few minutes he started to laugh like a crazy man then started to run towards Mountain"

"to nirvana Mountain?"

"Is there some curse in Mountain?"

"let's check out"

when Joseph and group reached under Mountain almost all villagers are there.

"Uncle Joseph, uncle hari become crazy"

"joan I told don't say like that"

"mom, everyone said like that.may be he will roll a stone to mountain and through it down"

(*Naranath Branthan (The madman of Naranam) is a character in Malayalam folklore. He was considered to be a divine person, a Mukhta who pretended to be mad. His chief activity consisted of rolling a big stone up a hill and then letting it fall back down.)

"no, he is not"

Joseph didn't understand what they are saying.after asking agnes he understands that after reaching the foot of mountain hari climbed Mountain like an agile monkey.

"then what are we waiting, let's follow him"

when Joseph and other hunters ready to climb the mountain. a golden light started to light up like a huge star .when the light wave flowed through their body everyone felt energetic. the light affected mostly young children who where born after the cataclysm.


"mom save me.."

" born"

every child started to cry and rolled in the ground. blood started to flow out through skin.and a black sticky waste flowed out and mixed with blood and made a layer on.

"my son, what happens to you..."

"The mountains are cursed..maybe animals didn't come here because of that.."

the situation started to become chaotic. parents and children cry started to get loud. joseph went to joan and checked her. she already unconscious. when he saw the black mud he remembered that hari too had this after the hunt.

"Brother Joseph..she is only my living relative other than you..please save her "

"Agnes please stop crying..let me talk"

Joseph stood up and started to walk to the front


Joseph shouted.the shout made desired result.all of children already passed out

"maybe it's not a bad thing. this happened once before. that time it was hari.after hunt he was wounded. after a night when we found him.he was just like these children covered in mud and blood. after cleaning him we found that his wounds almost healed. also, I felt he became fairer like a newborn child. he even more energetic after that.first what we need to do clean these children .i think they will wake up in a half-day like hari.after that some of us go to hari and ask about it"

"Uncle Joseph, where are you going. can I come with you?"



"joan you wake up, thank God.are you okay?" seeing joan wake up suddenly everyone shocked.some people started to look Joseph like he cheated them

"guys you with me too right, he just wakes up after we throw him water after half a day. right"

Joseph looked at his companions.but he found that they were not even looking at him.

"mom, someone farted..its smell bad"

everyone looked at her.

"Why are you guys looking at me. this joan never fart..right mom"


"joan go have a bath"

"but I bathed today morning...eeh..who throw me into must be John..i will definitely.."


at the same time John who just like everyone unconscious sneezed. when he tried opening his eyes he heard joans voice. john closed his eyes again like the dead.


somewhere in the same world

"one more newbie, it's already 1,54,763 guild masters in this hard newbies only then I can crush you guys and become world master..ha.ha"