49 Skull Island and killing the Crawlers

Skull Island.

One of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.

As I land on a large open plain at the edge of the jungle I retract my wings and change into my wolf form.

I spread my senses all over the island to get a picture of the current situation.

In the last 1500 years since I took Odin's life, the population of giant Gorillas on Skull Island has apparently dwindled from 12, down to 7.

There are steam vents all over the island connecting to an enormous underground cave system that is inhabited by dozens of Skullcrawlers being led by the Skull Devil, Ramarak.

Noticing my arrival, the largest giant Gorilla is making his way through the jungle towards me.

The moment he's through the treeline he stands up on two legs and pounds his chest.


As he continues his dominance display a few of the other giant Gorillas carefully gather at the edge of the jungle to watch the confrontation.

The Gorilla walks left and right and slams his fists on the ground while screaming angrily.

Seeing no response from me at all pisses him off even more.

Having enough of my presence he runs at me looking to fight.

As he gets closer I fill my throat with my aura and let out an incredibly loud roar that literally shakes the whole island.


The sheer force knocked the Gorilla on his back.

Rubbing his forehead trying to gather himself he raises his head and looks at me terrified. As the result of our 'fight' was quite decisive he approaches me carefully.

The moment he's close he lowers his head and holds out his hand.

Recognizing his submission I put my paw on his wrist and run it along his palm to the tip of his middle finger.

Immediately the others carefully approach us, but the moment they get close the earth beneath our feet starts rumbling.

I didn't just roar to intimidate the giant Gorillas into submission. I have to solidify my rule.

So I woke up all the Skullcrawlers so I can kill at least most of them.


On the opposite side of the field a large group of Skullcrawlers crawl out of the ground.


Scared of their larger numbers, the Gorillas try to retreat into the jungle.


As I bare my fangs and start growling the Gorillas stop their retreat and look to me and the group of Skullcrawlers crawling towards us, terrified.

As they come closer, I wait until no more Skullcrawlers crawl from the ground.

The moment no more of them appear I raise my head to the sky and use a trick I developed during the last 1500 years.

I open my mouth as wide as I can and generate as much lightning as possible, combining King Caesar's and Ghidorah's abilities.

I form the lightning in a huge ball and launch it into the air.

At first the Skullcrawlers paused and looked at the giant ball of lightning, but as it's flying too high to hit them, they pay it no mind and continue crawling towards me.

But the moment the ball flies over the crawlers, powerful tendrils of lightning fire at them one by one in rapid succession, reducing all but the biggest three Skullcrawlers to ashes.

I look over my shoulder to see the reaction of the Gorillas and it doesn't disappoint. They're all staring, baffled, at the field that just seconds ago was filled with dozens of crawling monsters and now only has three of them remaining, two giant Skullcrawlers and Ramarak, the Skull Devil.

Perhaps a bit prematurely, the Gorillas start cheering, screaming and jumping in joy at the annihilation of their enemy.

The three Skullcrawlers slowly stand up and shake their heads. As they regain their senses they look straight at me and start coming for me again like nothing happened.

I take my stance and run at them as fast as I can, ignoring the two Skullcrawlers at the sides, going straight for Ramarak in the middle.

When they're close enough all three jump straight at me.

I move to my right and as he's flying past me, I savagely bite Ramarak's neck while one of the other Skullcrawlers starts munching on my shoulder.

I put my paw on Ramarak's head to keep him down and I stop biting his neck. I turn my head and bite the Skullcrawler that's tearing the flesh off my shoulder.

Meanwhile the other Skullcrawler jumps over Ramarak, straight at my exposed neck.

I spin my head around with the Skullcrawler in my mouth and slam it at the other one, launching both of them at the group of Gorillas who all gang up on the two, slamming their fists dow on them again and again.

Without paying him any attention, I raise my paw off Ramarak's head and before he can get away I slam it back down as hard as I can, cracking his head open like a watermelon.

I walk over to the Gorillas who just finished tearing the Skullcrawlers apart.

They look at the corpse of Ramarak and then at me.

Since I've already broken my rule on staying in my wolf form when I killed Thor and Odin, I decide to stand on two legs and take a humanoid form, becoming a 145 meter tall werewolf.

I spread my aura throughout the island and pound my chest like a gorilla, proclaiming myself the new king of Skull Island.


I spent the next few milennia on Skull Island, mostly keeping to myself, learning more about my abilities, thinking of applications and combinations and mastering them.

I've also continued trying to master the constant anger but even after all these years I've made zero progress.

I believe in order to master it, I'll have to take some seriously drastic measures. But that will have to wait until I'm back home with Alice.

As I'm back in my cave in Norway, I'm about to go to sleep when I hear a pack of wolves outside.

As I listen to find out why they're so close to my cave, I notice they're tracking something.

I take a whiff of the air and spread my senses to find out what it is.

A few kilometers away from my cave, I hear a small, soft voice crying, I also smell fear and confusion.

It's a small child. A little girl.

I lay down, close my eyes and sleep.