120 Clash of War and an actual God

"In brightest day and darkest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power, Green Lantern's LIGHT!"

As I take the oath, Genesis slowly turns green and black from its usual silver metallic. The helmet retreats, revealing my face as my eyes glow green.

Instead of a normal Green Lantern suit generated by the ring, mine only infused a little willpower into Genesis and changed its appearance, turning Genesis into a Green Lantern armor, only missing the Green Lantern symbol for now as it just shows a white circle.

[Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps.]

Knowing some of the downsides of being a Lantern, I make my first command. "Don't send any data to the Central Power Battery on Oa or directly to the Guardians."

[Failure to comply, command conflicts with power ring programming.]

I close my eyes for a second, take a deep breath and focus.

[Warning, willpower exceeding power ring limits.]

[Warning, willpower exceeding... programming successfully overwritten, command accepted.]

While I was preoccupied dealing with the disobedient ring, Darkseid flew towards me at an insane speed.


Just before he's about to punch me, the ring lights up and chimes, notifying me of danger.

I evade him just in time, leaning back as his fist flies right past my face. I create a simple construct of a metal collar around his neck as I envision it being made of Aegis, it then immediately takes on the metal's properties.

I connect it to a chain and start swinging Darkseid around while it lengthens. I let him go at the exact right moment so he's launched straight into one of his ships, exploding it on impact.

Seeing their Lord and Master being toyed with like a child, most of the Parademons retreat as they gather Steppenwolf and Kalibak's remains while some stick behind to hold back Earth's forces.

They pick up Darkseid's unconscious body and carry him to the mother ship just as I notice the Mother Boxes have almost created the Unity.

I get down in front of them, stick my hands in the three overlapping boxes and pull them apart with raw force.

It feels not dissimilar to trying to pull the three most powerful magnets imaginable apart.

I pull two of them to the side as the middle one keeps hovering between them. I raise my leg and Spartan kick it with all my power, unfortunately launching it straight at Ares' face who's knocked back, skipping along the ground until he crashes into an Atlantean ship.

By pure coincidence '*cough*' the box bounces off his face and back up in the air. I put the two boxes under my right arm and hold out my left arm as the third box lands firmly on the palm of my hand.

As all remaining Parademons have either been killed or retreated, the ramp to the mother ship is about to close when apparently Darkseid regained consciousness and holds it open with his bare hand.

"I will come back one day. This world will burn and only when every living being upon it is nothing but dust, will I allow you the sweet relief of death!"

"Oh, that reminds me." I say before I drop the two boxes and aim my ring towards his fleet. I send out a large amount of willpower as the whole fleet is engulfed in green energy. I then link every mind on the ships to the ring and erase any knowledge as to the whereabouts of the Earth.

I then link it to all the ships' systems and erase all data on Earth as well. Finally, I take a little time to create a virus that will duplicate itself onto every system of Apokolips that is linked through any kind of network.

I then pick up one of the Mother Boxes and connect with it myself, overriding Darkseid as its new master before I open a portal to Apokolips large enough to send the whole fleet through.

As the portal closes behind them, all the remaining Atlanteans, Amazons and humans started cheering and shouting in celebration for their victory.

Alice walks up to me, but before she says anything I notice a bruise on her face that's healing fast. "Who did that?" I ask.

"Don't worry. It was just some old hag with a stick. She's dead." Alice says as she shows me her new fused sword before she sheathes it.

Putting two and two together, I figure out who she was. "You absorbed Granny Goodness?" I ask a little surprised. "That's pretty good. Killing a New God of Apokolips is no easy task."

Suddenly her eyes widen in shock for a brief moment before she pushes me aside and an axe flies past me, straight towards her.

Right before it strikes her chest, I reach out and grab hold of it as the blade barely manages to cut her skin.

Looking at the two headed axe, I recognize it as the one wielded by Ares. I then feel a pull on the axe as I hold it firmly in place.

I look in his direction and see Ares standing in front of the wreckage of an Atlantean ship. His helmet is broken and I can see golden ichor flowing from his head as he looks furious.

Silence permeates the air as everyone is shocked at what just happened and the people take some distance from both Ares and myself.

"Father, shouldn't we stop this?" I hear Athena ask Zeus as he stands to the side with his arms crossed, looking on in amusement.

"If he's about to kill Ares I'll stop him, otherwise I don't care." He responds.

Ares starts running towards me as I simply remain standing. My eyes light up bright blue as the sudden massive spike in psychic energy is felt by even the regular humans.

*AAAARGH!* Ares screams out in pain, drops to the ground and grasps his head as he writhes in pain. "MY HEAD! STOP PLEASE!"

I hold out my hand and point my index finger towards him as I accumulate an enormous amount of energy, creating a sphere of blue lightning containing so much energy, Zeus' eyes widen in shock.

"NO, STOP! HE'S HAD ENOUGH!" Zeus yells out as he's charging up his own lightning bolt, but he's too slow.

The sphere implodes at the tip of my finger, focusing all that energy into a single point and immediately, a large red beam of energy shoots straight at Ares.

As the attack lands, Ares screams out even louder in pure agony as his golden ichor slowly turns into crimson blood.

Just as Zeus' lightning bolt is about to strike me, I hold out my other hand and catch the lightning on the tip of my fingers, let the lightning flow through my body and channel it into the red energy.

The lightning strikes Ares and I immediately stop my attack.

Half his face is burnt off and he's bleeding profusely as Apollo and Artemis rush over to him.

Artemis puts a hand on her brother's arm, "He's alive!" she yells.

"But he's mortal." Apollo says as he applies ambrosia on his wounds like a salve.

Zeus now looks as furious as Ares did and is about to attack as he steps towards me when I simply point my finger at him. He immediately stops, showing the tiniest hint of fear on his face.

Athena puts her hand on her father's shoulder and urges him to leave.

Looking back to his son lying unconscious on the ground, Zeus nods to his daughter. They approach Apollo and Artemis and his children all disappear in a flash of lightning. He looks at me angrily, "This is not over." he says before following his children.

I pick up the Mother Box I connected with and give the other two to the Atlanteans and Amazons before Alice and I leave to journey among the stars for a few years.

Destination, Oa.


Meanwhile on Apokolips.

"I want that planet gone! Assemble the entire armada and arm every Apokoliptian. We're launching a full invasion on...!" Darseid screams in anger as behind him, Steppenwolf, Kalibak and Dessaad, one of the Priests, are slowly regenerating in vats filled with black liquid.

"It's..." Darkseid mumbles in confusion. "Why can't I recall the name or location of that rock?"

"Master, we have all forgotten." One of his servants says as they leave the mother ship.

Darkseid walks over to a computer panel and sifts through its data. "It's not here either. Connect the ship to the network and analyze our flight path."

The moment a servant does as Darkseid tells him to, all across the planet catchy music starts playing as loud as possible.

~We're no strangers to love.

You know the rules and so do I.

A full commitment's what I'm thinking of.

You wouldn't get this from any other guy.

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling.

Gotta make you understand.

Never gonna give you up,

Never gonna let you down,

Never gonna run around and desert you.

Never gonna make you cry,

Never gonna say goodbye,

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.~

The music keeps playing with no end in sight. All systems were reset and the music came back on again. Hundreds of times They thought they had a solution and hundreds of times they turned on their machines only to hear the drums kick in immediately.