
As I observed Earth, many, many events had happened. The Angels of Hell had invaded the humans. They had figured out a way for them to gain more soldiers. The Angels of Heaven knew of the plans of the Angels of Hell thus they asked me if they could wipe the angels off the face of the planet. I did not want this to happen for there are the good ones along with the bad ones. Or so I thought. As I looked into the hearts of all the creatures of Earth, there was only one human named Noah who was the most pure out of all of them. Since I did not want to start humans all over I decided to warn them about the flooding. I informed the Angels to proceed with their plans after Noah had finished his task. If you are wondering if I had not forgotten about Adam, or Enoch as he is called now. I knew he would be fine, for he is human yet is not. Watching my creations be destroyed by the Angels of Hell I was a bit furious. Thus I made Noah and his sons and wifes to be more mentally powerful to stop any possession by the angels of Hell.

-As I was sleeping I had a dream. GOD spoke to me, the true GOD. Not the gods that these misinformed humans worship. GOD said to build an Ark that can withstand every pair of creatures on this earth, it was an impossible task for such a person like me but I had faith. If GOD said to do so I shall do so even if I fail. As I started to chop down wood and bought more wood some friends started to ask what I was doing. I told them of the flood but they laughed it off. Not one believed me. Even my own family did not truly believe me, but they also had faith in me. They did not truly not believe but as long as they stick by my side they will survive. For every time I am with others I would inform them of the flood GOD will set out. Destroying everyone on Earth. Some say WHat about you and laugh. I was patient. As I quickly did everything GOD had instructed me. It was a long process but just as I had finished the ark. Two of each kind of creature showed up to my ark. Others were also dumbfounded by this event, so I started to believe me, only slightly. As it started to rain, my wife, my sons and my sons wifes and I embarked the ark along with the animals. With such things as meat eating creatures and such, building the ark to contain opposing creatures was not an easy task. Yet I had done so either way, with the help of my sons who hunted throughout my build of the ark. Enough to satisfy the meat eaters. Along with grass and greens that would feed the green eaters. Everything was a hard and painful event but it was eventually worth it. For GOD did not lie, for it rained 40 days and 40 nights.