
-I only know what I know. As I found the fruit that gave me information that I had no idea what to do with, I was confused. I had learned everything of the past. The creation of Heaven, Angels, humans, even myself. I learned the details that only GOD herself knows.

For that reason alone I had told the human named Eve a simple truth. If she ate the forbidden fruit the humans would surely become like those of the GODS. At that time I did not fully understand the difference between the Angels and their creator GOD for they all seemed like GODS to me. I blurted out the word GODS within Eve.

For the time that I had lived in the Garden of Eden, I had watched Eve and Adam gaining distance closer and closer to the forbidden fruit. For they were curious. I knew of this curiousoty thus I asked Eve if they would truely die if they ate from the fruit. For all i knew, that fruit would make them like GODS if they ever ate them and GODs do not die. But that was a complete mistake that I had made, Eve took a piece and ate it, giving some to Adam. Causing not GOD like powers that i had imagined, but simply...

What constitutes good and evil? I am GOD and i am the word, but the word merely created everything, but that was all. Every creature that I have ever created, i put a small portion of me inside them. Known as souls. But besides from that the creatures are completely different. The ones known as Angels were of my first. They were my alpha, trying to perfect a creation that would be different from me. As all the things I had created were merely moving dolls, as one might say, and had not such concept as Free will. This was the problem I had encountered when trying to creatures that I could speak on equal level. As i had created more and more Angels, being a bit different than the previous one, the one that stood out was the Angel named Lucifer. For this angel was created with was what I called Free Will. This caused Lucifer to be different from the other, being more smarter, brighter, and shined above the Worshipers of me. Even being able to learn how to fight. I had not designed Lucifer to be a fighter but simply a worshiper, he managed to climb the ranks of fighter and was almost able to defeat the angel Michal, one of the best fighters of the Angels.

For in Heaven there were ranks of Angels, and Lucifer was of one of the lowest. Sure the Worship team was needed for encouragement for any war up in heaven but I may have made the wrong move of dividing the angels. Ranks were not needed but it was already too late i suppose for Lucifer made a revolt saying that ranks were dumb and wanted to be higher than me to change such rules.

You could call this a mistake but could I really make a mistake if this was the first time such a thing has happened. That would be similar to saying I finally invented something new but the previous attempts were mistakes. Would that suffice, for a mistake can only be made if that same action had been made by another and say it was wrong.

To a certain degree i had agreed with Lucifer but the angels had already started their own culture and society. A social class as one might say. Thus that was when i decided to create similar beings such as Lucifer but strip them of the powers of the Angels and be called Humans. For they will not live in Heaven but a new place called Earth. And these humans will have the power of creations that will share their Genes, creating more and more duplicates of themself, yet not complete clones. The genes of two halves will make a new whole. Which caused me to experiment with Adam, the first human and have him meet other creatures that will aid in the creation but did not feel right. As i put Adam into deep slumber I took a part of Adam and made a clone, but as I had done that I decided to split the power of creation between the humans. One shall bear the creation while the other contains the seed needed to create the child. Adam named her Eve, a woman, for she was taken from man.

Also unlike with the Angels i will not interfere much with the course of life. I shall let them roam freely and have them form their own ideas like Lucifer and let them grow. As for Adam and Eve I had them put in a garden to watch after. The garden was a project in which I created to house many parts of mineself. Each fruit here was things that would make the eater more like me. For it would not feed their hunger but their souls. Eve and Adam had but one instruction as of yet and it was to not eat the one in the middle of the garden. Also known as the fruit of Good and Evil. For I wanted both Adam and Eve to learn of what was good and evil themself. Surely I made contact with each to keep tabs but I did not order them much. Freedom was what these humans gained.