Chapter 7

After a few minutes, he finally removed my underwear and then moved up so that he could intertwine our tongues again. I jumped slightly as he slowly began teasing the outside of me as I shivered under him. He chuckled somewhat before putting his fingers inside. I gasped as he began moving his fingers slowly and then began moving faster.

"Do I need to help you?" I whispered as he sighed before I looked to the large bulge showing in his pants.

"I can barely hold it. I have never been this excited before." He looked at my eyes deeply, "Can I?"

I became flushed and looked away as I nodded. He pulled my face back towards him and kissed me. I was startled when I felt him come into me gently. I began shivering as he quickly stopped and I grabbed his face. I pulled it closer to mine, "Don't stop," I whispered and gasped as he vigorously thrust into me.

He leaned closer to my face, "I'm sorry. I planned to be gentle, but I can't keep calm. You are driving me crazy!" He began kissing my neck as he continued to move. Each time he moved, I had to cover my mouth to keep from moaning loudly. I suddenly felt a rush come over me as I looked to him shock.

"Stop, take it out."

He paused, "Why? Does it hurt?"

I shook my head, "I'm going to," I whispered as my face turned red. "Take it out."

He smiled, "You have never had that during sex?"

I shook my head, "Never during!"

He suddenly thrust into me and I gasped, "Then let me be your first," he whispered into my ear as he continued to ram into me. The feeling rushed over me as I squeezed his hands and he kissed me.

"Take it out!" I hissed, "I will become pregnant if I have it during a full moon! Please!"

He quickly took it out as he came in his hand. He quickly got off the bed and wiped his hands off on a tissue. I began to put my clothes on but gasped and jumped when Cade stopped me. "We aren't done yet." I stared at him in shock, "Ty thinks going more than one round may help you."

I shook my head, "I don't think I can handle that."

He smiled, "Well then we will find out." He picked me up as he sat down on the bed and had me kneel over him. "I want you to take the lead this time."

I blushed, "I can't."

"I know you can." He whispered before I looked down to see he was already prepared. I slowly moved myself near him and sat with it in me. I shivered as I felt my body losing strength but moaned when Cade grabbed my waist and aided me in moving up and down. I had to cover my mouth the keep down my voice as I shook and felt weak. I wrapped my arms around his neck and lightly bit his shoulder. I gasped as he suddenly became bigger and moved faster.

"No more!" I begged as he licked the side of my neck.

"Go ahead." He pulled me down quickly as I moaned and the muscles in my body contracted. I shook but gasped as Cade suddenly began moving me again.

"Not yet!" I begged as he snickered, "Oh god!"

"Come as many times as you want." He whispered as he quickened the movements. I tensed as I knew it was going to happen again but was shocked when he pulled me to him and kissed me as it happened. He pulled himself away and used the tissues to catch it. I collapsed on the bed as I breathed heavily.

"Please," I whispered, "I can't take anymore. I will faint." He smiled and kissed me before standing and handing me my clothes. I put them on before falling asleep on the bed.

As I woke up, I realized it was finally over. I sat up and felt like myself again. I went to my bag Jonathan had brought and put it on my shoulder. When I went into the main area, I was surprised to see all four men sitting on the couches eating together.

They all looked up to me with surprise, "I am going to head home. Thank you, guys, for your help."

"Would you like to eat with us?"

I shook my head with a sad smile, "It's time I go home to my family. I don't want to worry them."

"Ty wants to see you before work tomorrow."

I nodded to Luther, "I will make sure to talk to him." I kissed his cheek with a smile, "Thanks again." I quickly walked out of the hospital and drove to my house. As I came in, Jonathan met me at the door. He smiled and took my bag before leading me into our bedroom.

"You should get some rest in your own bed. Are you going to take tomorrow off?"

I shook my head, "My boss wants to see me. I am feeling a lot better so I should be okay to go."

"Alright, well get some sleep." He said as he aided me in laying down in the bed. I felt relief as I finally fell asleep in my imaginary human world where my past didn't matter.

When I woke up, I felt tired but quickly got up as I heard the kids getting their bags together. I rushed out to the front door with a smile. "Mom!" Zach cheered as he embraced me.

"Mommy!" Lindsey sang as she hugged my legs. I kissed each of their heads before waving goodbye as they left with Jonathan.

I went and took a shower but took my time as the hot water soothed my aching body. After a while, I got out of the shower, blow dried my hair, put on makeup, and got dressed. As I slipped on my heels, Jonathan came into the bedroom. "Are you sure you are up for going to work? You still look ill."

I smiled before going to him and kissing him gently, "I feel better than I have in a while!" I hugged him and he kissed my head, "I will see you tonight. Are you still able to pick up the kids? My meeting will likely run late."

"It's no problem, Ellen. I can handle them."

I quickly left the house, drove to work, and parked in the garage. As I made my way into the building, I heard my name called.

Luckily, I turned around quickly, otherwise Heather and I would have fallen on the ground. I was able to brace myself as she tackled me. "You're back!" She hollered as she hugged me tightly, "You took forever!"

I smiled as she let me go, "I missed you too, Heather."

"How was your trip?"

"Boring to say the least!" I stretched my arms, "The flight back was even worse!" We began into the building and up to our floor in the elevator. "I even have a long meeting today too."

"Boss drags you to everything, doesn't he?" I nodded, "Well you have been here for like ten years and are the best in the designing department. Also, who could say no to such a cute face!" She pinched my cheeks as I whined while laughing. She let go as the elevator opened and I followed her to my cubicle. I picked up the yellow sticky note that was on my computer screen. "A love note?"

I rolled my eyes at her, "As if! The boss needs to meet with me to go over what will go on in the meeting today."

She groaned, "So boring!" She chuckled before waving as she walked off. I put down my things, tossed the sticky note away, and went to Ty's office. I knew there was no one in there this early in the morning, so I did not bother knocking.

As I walked in, I saw Ty setting down his things at his desk. He looked to me with surprise as I shut the door. He immediately rushed over and embraced me. I could tell he was fighting back tears, "It's okay," I whispered as I held him, "We're okay."

He squeezed me slightly, "I was so scared I was going to lose you!" He looked to me as tears finally fell, "Luther filled me in on everything. You were really close to losing it this time."

I nodded with a sad smile, "But your quick thinking may have saved me." My face became hot, "I was able to focus on the moment and did not have the urge to call for him or run."

He wiped the tears off his face as he caressed my cheek, "This kid may be able to keep you going."

I shook my head, "I am beginning to lust for him," I whispered as I looked away, "I need to leave him."

He squeezed my shoulders, "What is wrong with craving him? He could be your support!"

"He is a child, Ty. I could never hold him down."

"Do you know how he feels about you?"

I shook my head, "I would not be able to stop myself if I knew. It's just a crush for him. He has not even known true lust at such a young age."

He let me go as he sighed, "You could be happy for the first time."

"I am happy with my life now."

He scoffed before looking to my eyes, "Don't lie to me El. I know you better than anyone. I followed you out of the pack and have been at your side for decades." He took my hand and squeezed it, "You are content with these humans, not happy."

"Do you expect me to just leave him and those children?"

"We could make it look like an accident."

I shook my head, "I pity them. I cannot put them through that pain willingly."